
Student Affairs

Study Program

In the Doctoral School of Natural and Agricultural Sciences education lasts four years but in justified cases, this time may be shortened to three or extended to six years. The doctoral student conducts research and participates in classes included in the education program, which include compulsory and optional classes. The doctoral student takes most of the compulsory classes in the first 4 semesters, i.e. until the mid-term evaluation. The next 4 semesters are intended primarily for the implementation of scientific research in accordance with an Individual Research Plan while supplementing knowledge and skills within optional classes. Education at the Doctoral School ends with the submission of a doctoral dissertation.


Individual Research Plan

The doctoral student, in consultation with the supervisor, during the first twelve months of education at the doctoral school, prepares an Individual Research Plan to be submitted to the Doctoral School Council for approval. The Individual Research Plan defines the scope, framework, stages, and dates of the doctoral dissertation. The implementation of the Individual Research Plan is evaluated during the mid-term evaluation of the doctoral student and supervisor (Annexe No. 3 to the Terms and Conditions of the Doctoral School).

Semester Reports

After each semester of studies, the doctoral student submits a report on his scientific activity and implementation of the study program and the Individual Research Plan. At the end of the academic year, the doctoral student participates in the Scientific Reporting Session to presents the results and progress in research.


Doctoral scholarships

The Doctoral School of Natural and Agricultural Sciences provides doctoral students, including foreigners, with a monthly scholarship paid for 4 years. In 2023/2024, it is no less than:

  • 3466,90 PLN – by the month of the mid-term evaluation,
  • 5340,90 PLN – after the month of the mid-term evaluation.

Downloadable Documents

The Doctoral School, apart from the abovementioned scholarship, does not provide doctoral students, including foreigners, with any living services, such as accommodation or meals. Receiving a scholarship provided by the doctoral students does not prevent them from applying for scholarships from other funding sources (e.g. National Science Centre, Foundation for Polish Science, etc.).

More information

For more information on doctoral scholarship please contact the IB PAS Human Resources and Admissions Department:

Katarzyna Białecka

Phone: +4812‑4241‑872

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Other Scholarships Opportunities

Social security and health insurance

Social security

  • Doctoral students who started their doctoral programme in the academic year 2019/2020 and have been awarded a doctoral scholarship are covered, on a compulsory basis, by the retirement, disability and accident insurance schemes.
  • Sickness insurance is voluntary and a doctoral student may be covered upon request.
  • Throughout the term of the doctoral scholarship, doctoral students are covered, on a compulsory basis, by the retirement and disability as well as accident insurance schemes.

Health insurance

Doctoral students who are nationals of the Republic of Poland

  • A doctoral student who is under the age of 26 should, in the first place, be registered with the Social Security Institution (ZUS) for the health insurance scheme as a family member of an insured person. The obligation to register a doctoral student under the age of 26 for the health insurance scheme lies with the student's parents or legal custodians.
  • A doctoral student aged 26 and above, not covered by the health insurance scheme on any other grounds, should be registered for the scheme by the relevant organisational unit of the Doctoral School. The registration for the scheme is made upon the doctoral student's request to be submitted forthwith (no later than 7 days from the start of the first semester of the programme of study) to the relevant unit of the Doctoral School.
  • The obligation to register for the health insurance scheme arises as of the date a declaration is submitted to the effect that a person is not subject to such registration obligation on any other grounds, but not earlier than as of the starting date of the first semester of the programme of study.
  • A doctoral student is entitled to use public health care services for 4 months following completion of the programme of study or removal from the list of doctoral students. This means that the doctoral student will be deregistered from the health insurance scheme as a result of completion of their programme of study or removal from the list of doctoral students, but they will still be entitled to use, for a 4-month period, public health care services.

Doctoral students from the EU or EFTA states

  • Doctoral students who are nationals of a state being a member of the European Union or of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) may use the public health care services on the same terms as the entitled Polish nationals provided that they hold a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued in their country of origin.
  • A person applying for the issuance of EHIC must be insured or covered by the state health insurance scheme in any EU Member State, Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.
  • Doctoral students who are nationals of the EU/EFTA Member States and who have no entitlement to the health insurance scheme in their country of origin (e.g. they are not registered for the health insurance scheme in their country as family members of an insured person) are to be registered for the health insurance scheme by the organisational unit in which the student prepares their doctoral dissertation. Registration is made upon the doctoral student's request.

Please note! The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC):

  • is not an alternative to any travel insurance; it does not cover private health care services or costs related to a flight, lost luggage or theft;
  • does not cover any costs of medical treatment in a situation where the purpose of the travel abroad is to undergo treatment there;
  • does not guarantee any medical services provided free of charge; given the differences in the health care systems in various countries, medical services that are free in the country of origin can be provided against payment in another country.

Doctoral students who are non-EU/EFTA nationals

Doctoral students who are nationals of countries other than the Member States of the European Union or of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), and who pursue their studies in Poland and have no other entitlement to health insurance, may be insured on a voluntary basis and enter into the relevant insurance agreement with the National Health Fund (NFZ) or, alternatively, choose an insurance offer on a commercial basis.

Health insurance with the National Health Fund (NFZ):

  • In order to enter into an agreement on voluntary health insurance you should file an application with the provincial branch of the National Health Fund competent for your place of residence. The following should be attached to the application: scanned passport, scanned valid visa, certificate of a doctoral student status, PESEL (Polish Resident’s Personal Identification Number), and a document attesting to your registered address of residence in Poland.
  • Following execution of the agreement, you should submit an application for registration for the health insurance scheme to any branch of the Social Security Institution (ZUS). ZUS will assign a unique account number to the doctoral student, to which monthly insurance premiums will be transferred by the student.
  • A detailed instruction on how to enter into an agreement on voluntary health insurance can be found on the NFZ's website – the Kraków Branch.

Please note! The evidence of valid health insurance is the agreement with NFZ along with the ZUS ZZA form and confirmation of payment of the most recent insurance premium due. Photocopies of the health insurance evidence should be filed with the Doctoral School Secretary's Office.

Very important! Health insurance with NFZ may not be doubled. If a doctoral student is insured by any Doctoral School's organisational unit and is entitled to the health insurance with NFZ on any other grounds, such as employment under an employment contract, a contract of mandate (in Polish: umowa zlecenie) (for persons aged 26 and above), registration of their own business activity, or covered, on a compulsory basis, by the health insurance scheme as a spouse of an employed person, they must report that fact immediately to the organisational unit that registered the student for the health insurance scheme.

More information

For more information on social security and health insurance please contact the IB PAS Human Resources and Admissions Department:

Agnieszka Węgiel

Phone: +4812‑4241‑713

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Doctoral Students' Council

The Doctoral Students' Council is a body established to defend the rights of doctoral students, spread the idea of providing mutual assistance in scientific and legal matters, and integrate doctoral students by initiating various joint activities. The Doctoral Students’ Council actively participates in the work of the National Representation of Doctoral Students and the Doctoral Students' Council of the Polish Academy of Sciences.


  • Karolina Zygmunt (Chairman)
  • Aleksandra Cwajna (Deputy Chairman)
  • Karolina Chuda (Secretary)
  • Emilia Gula
  • Anna Janiczek

Student Affairs Office

Administrative Services (Secretariat)

Katarzyna Kozielec-Murzyn

Phone: +4812‑4241‑832

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Opening hours: Monday–Friday, 8:00–14:30; address: W. Szafer Institute of Botany PAS, Lubicz 46, 31-512 Kraków (Room 12).

Head of the Doctoral School

Dr Grażyna Szarek-Łukaszewska

Phone: +4812‑4241‑706

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hours for students: Monday, 10:00–12:00; address: W. Szafer Institute of Botany PAS, Lubicz 46, 31-512 Kraków (Room 12).

Deputy Head of the Doctoral School

Dr Agnieszka Bednarska

Phone: +4812‑3703‑594

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hours for students: Tuesday, 10:00–12:00; address: Institute of Nature Conservation PAS, Adama Mickiewicza 33, 31-120 Kraków.


Legal Acts

Downloadable Documents