Artykuły w czasopismach JCR
Nikel S., Schröder W., Wosniok W., Harmens H., Frontasyeva M.V., Alber R., Aleksiayenak J., Barandovski L., Blum O., Danielsson H., de Temmermann L., Dunaev A.M., Fagerli H., Godzik B., Ilyin I., Jonkers S., Jeran Z., Pihl Karlsson G., Lazo P., Leblond S., Liiv S., Magnússon S.H., Mankovska B., Martínez-Abaigar J., Piispanen J., Poikolainen J., Popescu I.V., Qarri F., Radnovic D., Santamaria J.M., Schaap M., Skutnik M., Špirić Z., Stafilov T., Steinnes E., Stihi C., Suchara I., Thöni L., Uggerud H.T., Zechmeister H.G. 2017. Modelling and mapping heavy metal and nitrogen concentrations in moss in 2010 throughout Europe by applying Random Forest models. Atmospheric Environment 156: 146–159. DOI
Nowak M., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Mueller-Bieniek A., Lityńska-Zając M., Kotynia K. 2017. Benefits and weaknesses of radiocarbon dating of plant material as reflected by Neolithic archaeological sites from Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. Geochronometria 44: 188–201. DOI
Ochyra R., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Plášek V. 2017. (2250) Proposal to conserve the name Plagiomnium against Orthomnion and Orthomniopsis (Bryophyta: Mniaceae). Taxon 66: 1218–1220. DOI
Pacyna G., Barbacka M., Zdebska D., Ziaja J., Fijałkowska-Mader A., Bóka K., Sulej T. 2017. A new conifer from the Upper Triassic of southern Poland linking the advanced voltzialean type of ovuliferous scale with Brachyphyllum-Pagiophyllum-like leaves. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 245: 28–54. DOI
Pappas C., Mahecha M.D., Frank D.C., Babst F., Koutsoyiannis D. 2017. Ecosystem functioning is enveloped by hydrometeorological variability. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1: 1263–1270. DOI
Paszko B., Paul W. 2017. Lectotypification of two Steudel names: Agrostis cognata and Trisetum fraudulentum (Poaceae). Phytotaxa 326: 137–143. DOI
Philippe M., Ochyra R. 2017. Biogeographical complements for Seligeria carniolica and S. irrigata (Bryophyta, Seligeriaceae). Cryptogamie, Bryologie 38: 303–312. DOI
Piątek J. 2017. A morphotype-rich assemblage of chrysophycean stomatocysts in mountain lakes in the Cameroon Highlands, Africa. Cryptogamie, Algologie 38: 159–180. DOI
Piątek M., Lutz M., Sousa F.M.P., Santos A.R.O., Félix C.R., Landell M.F., Gomes F.C.O., Rosa C.A. 2017. Pattersoniomyces tillandsiae gen. et comb. nov.: linking sexual and asexual morphs of the only known smut fungus associated with Bromeliaceae. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 17: 531–543. DOI
Piechnik Ł., Kurek P., Mierzwa-Szymkowiak D. 2017. Rediscovery of the holotypes of Mustela africana stolzmanni Taczanowski, 1881 (Carnivora: Mustelidae) and Cuniculus taczanowskii Stolzmann, 1885 (Rodentia: Cuniculidae) at the Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland. Zootaxa 4311: 447–450. DOI
Pitteloud C., Arrigo N., Suchan T., Mastretta-Yanes A., Vila R., Dincă V., Hernández-Roldán J., Brockmann E., Chittaro Y., Kleckova I., Fumagalli L., Buerki S., Pellissier L., Alvarez N. 2017. Climatic niche evolution is faster in sympatric than allopatric lineages of the butterfly genus Pyrgus. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284: 20170208. DOI
Roberts S.J., Monien P., Foster L.C., Loftfield J., Hocking E.P., Schnetger B., Pearson E.J., Juggins S., Fretwell P., Ireland L., Ochyra R., Haworth A.R., Allen C.S., Moreton S.G., Davies S.J., Brumsack H.-J., Bentley M.J., Hodgson D.A. 2017. Past penguin colony responses to explosive volcanism on the Antarctic Peninsula. Nature Communications 8: 14914. DOI
Ronikier A., Bochynek A., Chachuła P., Kozik J., Kubiak D., Perz P., Salamaga A. 2017. Revision of the genus Licea (Myxomycetes) in Poland. Nova Hedwigia 104: 243–272. DOI
Rooney-Latham S., Lutz M., Blomquist C.L., Romberg M.K., Scheck H.J., Piątek M. 2017. Entyloma helianthi: identification and characterization of the causal agent of sunflower white leaf smut. Mycologia 109: 520–528. DOI
Saarela J.M., Bull R.D., Paradis M.J., Ebata S.N., Peterson P.M., Soreng R.J., Paszko B. 2017. Molecular phylogenetics of cool-season grasses in the subtribes Agrostidinae, Anthoxanthinae, Aveninae, Brizinae, Calothecinae, Koeleriinae and Phalaridinae (Poaceae, Pooideae, Poeae, Poeae chloroplast group 1). PhytoKeys 87: 1–139. DOI
Sawicki J., Plášek V., Ochyra R., Szczecińska M., Ślipiko M., Myszczyński K., Kulik T. 2017. Mitogenomic analyses support the recent division of the genus Orthotrichum (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta). Scientific Reports 7: 4408. DOI
Schmid S., Genevest R., Gobet E., Suchan T., Sperisen C., Tinner W., Alvarez N. 2017. HyRAD-X, a versatile method combining exome capture and RAD sequencing to extract genomic information from ancient DNA. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8: 1374-1388. DOI
Schröder W., Nikel S., Schönrock S., Schmalfuβ R., Wosniok W., Meyer M., Harmens H., Frontasyeva M.V., Alber R., Aleksiayenak J., Barandovski L., Blum O., Carballeira A., Dam M., Danielsson H., de Temmermann L., Dunaev A.M., Godzik B., Hoydal K., Jeran Z., Pihl Karlsson G., Lazo P., Leblond S., Lindroos J., Liiv S., Magnússon S.H., Mankovska B., Núñez-Olivera E., Piispanen J., Poikolainen J., Popescu I.V., Qarri F., Santamaria J.M., Skutnik M., Špirić Z., Stafilov T., Steinnes E., Stihi C., Suchara I., Thöni L., Uggerud H.T., Zechmeister H.G. 2017. Bioindication and modelling of atmospheric deposition in forests enable exposure and effect monitoring at high spatial density across scales. Annals of Forest Science 74: 31. DOI
Skoupá Z., Ochyra R., Guo S.-L., Sulayman M., Plášek V. 2017. Distributional novelties for Lewinskya, Nyholmiella and Orthotrichum (Orthotrichaceae) in China. Herzogia 30: 58–73. DOI
Smith P.A., Lutz M., Ziegler R., Piątek M. 2017. Anther smuts of Silene acaulis and S. uniflora in the Outer Hebrides, including an assessment of ITS genotypes of Microbotryum silenes-acaulis. IMA Fungus 8: 107–116. DOI
Stachowicz-Rybka R., Pidek I.A., Żarski M. 2017. New palaeoclimate reconstructions based on multidisciplinary investigation in the Ferdynandów 2011 stratotype site (Eastern Poland). Geological Quarterly 61: 276–290. DOI
Stefanowicz A.M., Stanek M., Nobis M., Zubek S. 2017. Few effects of invasive plants Reynoutria japonica, Rudbeckia laciniata and Solidago gigantea on soil physical and chemical properties. Science of the Total Environment 574: 938–946. DOI
Suchan T., Espíndola A., Rutschmann S., Emerson B.C., Gori K., Dessimoz C., Arrigo N., Ronikier M., Alvarez N. 2017. Assessing the potential of RAD-sequencing to resolve phylogenetic relationships within species radiations: The fly genus Chiastocheta (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) as a case study. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 114: 189–198. DOI
Szczepanek K., Myszkowska D., Worobiec E., Piotrowicz K., Ziemianin M., Bielec-Bąkowska Z. 2017. The long-range transport of Pinaceae pollen: an example in Kraków (southern Poland). Aerobiologia 33: 109–125. DOI
Uddin S.J., Muhammad T., Shafiullah M., Slazak B., Rouf R., Göransson U. 2017. Single-step purification of cyclotides using affinity chromatography. Biopolymers 108: e23010. DOI