Artykuły w czasopismach JCR
Barbacka M., Pacyna G., Kocsis Á.T., Jarzynka A., Ziaja J., Bodor E. 2017. Changes in terrestrial floras at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary in Europe. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 480: 80–93. DOI
Bednarek-Ochyra H., Ochyra R. 2017. A nomenclatural rectification in the widespread East Asian species of Dilutineuron (Bryophyta, Grimmiaceae). Herzogia 30: 362–369. DOI
Bednarek-Ochyra H., Plášek V. 2017. Occurrence of Racomitrium pruinosum (Grimmiaceae, Bryophyta) in New Guinea, with a review of Gondwanan mosses in the tropics. Herzogia 30: 412–426. DOI
Belmecheri S., Babst F., Hudson A.R., Betancourt J., Trouet V. 2017. Northern Hemisphere jet stream position indices as diagnostic tools for climate and ecosystem dynamics. Earth Interactions 21: 8. DOI
Ellis L.T., Afonina O.M., Andriamiarisoa R.L., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Cykowska-Marzencka B., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Bell N.E., Boiko M., Callaghan D.A., Campisi P., Dia M.G., Marino M.L., Provenzano F., Eckstein J., Enroth J., Erzberger P., Ezer T., Gargano M.L., Ginzburg E., Górski P., Gradstein S.R., Reeb C., Hannoire C., Infante M., Jukonienė I., Kushnevskaya E.V., Lebouvier M., Nagy J., Opmanis A., Plášek V., Skoupá Z., Sabovljević M.S., Sabovljević A.D., Shevock J.R., Singh D.K., Majumdar S., Skudnik M., Uselienė A., Venturella G., Węgrzyn M., Wietrzyk P., Yoon Y.-J., Kim J.H., Yücel E. 2017. New national and regional bryophyte records, 53. Journal of Bryology 39: 368–387. DOI
Ellis L.T., Ah-Peng C., Aleffi M., Baráth K., Brugués M., Ruiz E., Buck W.R., Czernyadjeva I.V., Erzberger P., Fantecelle L.B., Peñaloza-Bojacá G.F., Araújo C.A.T., Oliveira B.A., Maciel-Silva A.S., Gremmen N.J.M., Guo S.-L., Hedderson T.A., February E., Wilding N., Hugonnot V., Kırmacı M., Kürschner H., Lebouvier M., Mesterházy A., Ochyra R., Philippe M., Plášek V., Skoupá Z., Poponessi S., Gigante D., Venanzoni R., Rawat K.K., Sahu V., Asthana A.K., Sabovljević M.S., Sabovljević A.D., Schäfer-Verwimp A., Wierzcholska S. 2017. New national and regional bryophyte records, 50. Journal of Bryology 39: 99–114. DOI
Ellis L.T., Alataş M., Aleffi M., Alegro A., Šegota V., Ozimec S., Vuković N., Koletić N., Prlić D., Bontek M., Asthana A.K., Gupta D., Sahu V., Rawat K.K., Bakalin V.A., Klimova K.G., Baráth K., Beldiman L.N., Csiky J., Deme J., Kovács D., Cano M.J., Guerra J., Czernyadjeva I.V., Dulin M.V., Erzberger P., Ezer T., Fedosov V.E., Fontinha S., Sim-Sim M., Garcia C.A., Martins A., Granzow-de la Cerda I., Sáez L., Hassel K., Weibull H., Hodgetts N.G., Infante M., Heras P., Kiebacher T., Kučera J., Lebouvier M., Ochyra R., Ören M., Papp B., Park S.J., Sun B.-Y., Plášek V., Poponessi S., Venanzoni R., Purger D., Reis F., Sinigla M., Stebel A., Ştefănuţ S., Uyar G., Vončina G., Wigginton M.J., Yong K.-T., Chan M.S., Yoon Y.-J. 2017. New national and regional bryophyte records, 52. Journal of Bryology 39: 285–304. DOI
Ellis L.T., Aleffi M., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Bakalin V.A., Boiko M., Calleja J.A., Fedosov V.E., Ignatov M.S., Ignatova E.A., Garilleti R., Hallingbäck T., Lönnell N., Hodgetts N., Kiebacher T., Larraín J., Lebouvier M., Lüth M., Mazimpaka V., Vigalondo B., Lara F., Natcheva R., Nobis M., Nowak A., Orgaz J.D., Guerra J., Pantović J., Nikolić N., Sabovljević M.S., Sabovljević A.D., Pisarenko O.Yu., Plášek V., Skoupá Z., Poponessi S., Privitera M., Puglisi M., Skudnik M., Wang Q.H. 2017. New national and regional bryophyte records, 51. Journal of Bryology 39: 177–190. DOI
Evans M.E.K., Falk D.A., Arizpe A., Swetnam T.L., Babst F., Holsinger K.E. 2017. Fusing tree‐ring and forest inventory data to infer influences on tree growth. Ecosphere 8: e01889. DOI
Feurdean A., Florescu G., Vannière B., Tanţău I., O‘Hara R.B., Pfeiffer M., Hutchinson S.M., Gałka M., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Hickler T. 2017. Fire has been an important driver of forest dynamics in the Carpathian Mountains during the Holocene. Forest Ecology and Management 389: 15–26. DOI
Gierczyk B., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Pietras M., Gryc M., Czerniawski W., Piątek M. 2017. Coprinopsis rugosomagnispora: a distinct new coprinoid species from Poland (Central Europe). Plant Systematics and Evolution 303: 915–925. DOI
Gueuning M., Suchan T., Rutschmann S., Gattolliat J.-L., Jamsari J., Kamil A.I., Pitteloud C., Buerki S., Balke M., Sartori M., Alvarez N. 2017. Elevation in the tropical sky islands as the common driver in structuring genes and communities of freshwater organisms. Scientific Reports 7: 16089. DOI
Hernández-Almeida I., Grosjean M., Gómez-Navarro J.J., Larocque-Tobler I., Bonk A., Enters D., Ustrzycka A., Piotrowska N., Przybylak R., Wacnik A., Witak M., Tylmann W. 2017. Resilience, rapid transitions and regime shifts: Fingerprinting the responses of Lake Żabińskie (NE Poland) to climate variability and human disturbance since AD 1000. The Holocene 27: 258–270. DOI
Jiménez J.A., Ochyra R. 2017. Reinstatment of species rank for Didymodon gelidus (Bryophyta, Pottiaceae). Cryptogamie, Bryologie 38: 383–392. DOI
Karasiewicz T.M., Hulisz P., Noryśkiewicz A.M., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Michalski A., Dąbrowski M., Gamrat W.W. 2017. The impact of postglacial palaeoenvironmental changes on the properties of sediments in the kettle hole at the site of Jurki (NE Poland). Geological Quarterly 61: 319–333. DOI
Karasiński D., Piątek M. 2017. The genus Dentipratulum (Russulales, Auriscalpiaceae): comparative morphology and SEM imaging spore ornamentation split one into three species. Mycological Progress 16: 109–116. DOI
Kiełtyk P., Mirek Z. 2017. Distribution and ecology of high-mountain Solidago minuta (Asteraceae) in Poland. Biologia 72: 161–174. DOI
Koubínová D., Dincă V., Dapporto L., Vodă R., Suchan T., Vila R., Alvarez N. 2017. Genomics of extreme ecological specialists: multiple convergent evolution but no genetic divergence in ecotypes of Maculinea alcon butterflies. Scientific Reports 7: 13752. DOI
Krzewicka B., Smykla J., Galas J., Śliwa L. 2017. Freshwater lichens and habitat zonation of mountain streams. Limnologica 63: 1–10. DOI
Lücking R., Dal Forno M., Moncada B., Coca L.F., Vargas-Mendoza L.Y., Aptroot A., Arias L.J., Besal B., Bungartz F., Cabrera-Amaya D.M., Cáceres M.E.S., Chaves J.L., Eliasaro S., Gutiérrez M.C., Hernández Marin J.E., de los Ángeles Herrera-Campos M., Holgado-Rojas M.E., Jonitz H., Kukwa M., Lucheta F., Madriñán S., Marcelli M.P, de Azevedo Martins S.M., Mercado-Díaz J.A., Molina J.A., Morales E.A., Nelson P.R., Nugra F., Ortega F., Paredes T., Patiño A.L., Peláez-Pulido R.N., Pérez Pérez R.E., Perlmutter G.B., Rivas-Plata E., Robayo J., Rodríguez C., Simijaca D.F., Soto-Medina E., Spielmann A.A., Suárez-Corredor A., Torres J.-M., Vargas C.A, Yánez-Ayabaca A., Weerakoon G., Wilk K., Pacheco M.C., Diazgranados M., Brokamp G., Borsch T., Gillevet P.M., Sikaroodi M., Lawrey J.D. 2017. Turbo-taxonomy to assemble a megadiverse lichen genus: seventy new species of Cora (Basidiomycota: Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae), honouring David Leslie Hawksworth's seventieth birthday. Fungal Diversity 84: 139–207. DOI
Migdałek G., Nowak J., Saługa M., Cieślak E., Szczepaniak M., Ronikier M., Marcussen T., Słomka A., Kuta E. 2017. No evidence of contemporary interploidy gene flow between the closely related European woodland violets Viola reichenbachiana and V. riviniana (sect. Viola, Violaceae). Plant Biology 19: 542–551. DOI
Montané F., Fox A.M., Arellano A.F., MacBean N., Alexander M.R., Dye A., Bishop D.A., Trouet V., Babst F., Hessl A.E., Pederson N., Blanken P.D., Bohrer G., Gough C.M., Litvak M.E., Novick K.A., Phillips R.P., Wood J.D., Moore D.J.P. 2017. Evaluating the effect of alternative carbon allocation schemes in a land surface model (CLM4.5) on carbon fluxes, pools, and turnover in temperate forests. Geoscientific Model Development 10: 3499–3517. DOI
Moskal-del Hoyo M., Krąpiec M., Niezabitowska-Wiśniewska B. 2017. The chronology of site 3 in Ulów (Tomaszów Lubelski District, East Poland): The relevance of anthracological analysis for radiocarbon dating at a multicultural site. Radiocarbon 59: 1399–1413. DOI
Moskal-del Hoyo M., Mueller-Bieniek A., Alexandrowicz W.P., Wilczyński J., Wędzicha S., Kapcia M., Przybyła M.M. 2017. The continuous persistence of open oak forests in the Miechów Upland (Poland) in the second half of the Holocene. Quaternary International 458: 14–27. DOI
Moskal-del Hoyo M., Rauba-Bukowska A., Lityńska-Zając M., Mueller-Bieniek A., Czekaj-Zastawny A. 2017. Plant materials used as temper in the oldest Neolithic pottery from south-eastern Poland. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 26: 329–344. DOI