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The National Museum of Natural History in Luxembourg has released the first volume of a world Flora of lichenicolous fungi

We are pleased to announce that the National Museum of Natural History in Luxembourg has published the first volume of a world Flora of lichenicolous fungi authored by Paul Diederich, Ana M. Millanes, Mats Wedin and James D. Lawrey. This monograph describes 197 species of lichenicolous fungi belonging to Basidiomycota, including three genera and 74 species new to science. It is a comprehensive, richly illustrated work that includes phylogenetic analyzes, distribution maps, and identification keys. Scientists from our Institute, Adam Flakus and Pamela Rodriguez de Flakus, co-authored two chapters and the concepts of eight species new to science.

The monograph can be downloaded for free as a PDF file from the website of the Scientific Research Center of the Museum. It is also possible to order a printed version of this publication.

Direct link to the PDF file.

A book lying on a navy blue cloth. On the cover there is a macro photo of a brown, strongly corrugated lichen thallus

A printed version of the monograph.
Photo: Adam Flakus.