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Production of pharmaceuticals in plant in vitro cultures – research & development project in cooperation with Dicot

Our Institute and the Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, Uppsala University, begin cooperation with the Swedish pharmaceutical company Dicot. The company is currently developing a novel drug containing an active substance of plant origin. The cooperation aims at investigating if the starting material for the drug substance can be obtained by using plant cells grown in cultures. The project will be led by Ulf Göransson (Uppsala University) and Błażej Ślązak (IB PAS). Both scientists are experts in the field of pharmacognosy. The founder of Dicot, Jarl Wikberg, is also involved in the cooperation. The planned work will last one year. If the results are promising, the cooperation will continue.

A tabletop covered with laboratory equipment. In the foreground, a hand in a latex glove holds a flask with a blue liquid
