
Dr Valerii Darmostuk

Assistant Professor

Portrait photo of Valerii Darmostuk
Biodiversity and Evolution Group
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Lubicz 46, 31‑512 Kraków, Poland

ORCIDRGGoogle Scholar

Research interests

  • Molecular phylogeny and systematics of lichen-inhabiting fungi in South America.
  • Diversity and taxonomy of lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi with special emphasis on Eastern Europe.
  • Ecology and conservation of lichen communities in the steppe habitats.
  • Management of biodiversity data and their application in the conservation decision-making process.

Higher education and employment history

  • MSc degree at the Kherson State University, Ukraine (2017).
  • Researcher at the National Natural Park "Nyzhnedniprovskyi", Ukraine (2017–2019).
  • PhD degree at the M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Science, Ukraine (2021).
  • Research assistant at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (since 2021).

Membership and awards

  • Member of Ukrainian Botanical Society (since 2016).
  • Editorial assistant of Chornomorski Botanical Journal (since 2017).
  • Scholarship for young scientists of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2018–2020, 2020–2022).
  • Global Biodiversity Information Facility (Mentor Volunteer) (since 2019).
  • Member of Research School in Biosystematics – ForBio (since 2020).
  • The Systematics Association (London, UK) (since 2020).

International experience

  • Slovakia (2021) – 5-month research stay; Plant Science and Biodiversity Center, SAS, Slovakia.
  • Czech Republic (2021) – 1-week research stay and fieldwork; Masaryk University, Brno.

Research projects

  • Molecular phylogeny, taxonomy, diversity and conservation of the phyto- and lichen biota in Northern Black Seas Region (2016–2018); grant no. 0116U004735; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine – contractor.
  • Molecular barcode of symbiotic communities as a basis for the assessment of the structure of terrestrial lithogenic biotopes (2019-2021); grant no. 0119U000105; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine – contractor.
  • Lichens employed in the monitoring of global changes influencing natural forests in the Ukrainian Carpathians (2019-2020); grant no. 0519U000109; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine – contractor.
  • Mediterranean-dwelling lichens and their dwellers: focus on diversity of lichenicolous fungi and eventual patterns (2021); Slovak Academic Information Agency – contractor.

Recent publications (selected)

Crous P.W., Jurjević Ž., Balashov S., De la Peña-Lastra S., Mateos A., Pinruan U., Rigueiro-Rodríguez A., Osiek E.R., Altés A., Czachura P., Esteve-Raventós F., Gunaseelan S., Kaliyaperumal M., Larsson E., Luangsa-ard J.J., Moreno G., Pancorbo F., Piątek M., Sommai S., Somrithipol S., Asif M., Delgado G., Flakus A., Illescas A., Kezo K., Khamsuntorn P., Kubátová A., Labuda R., Lavoise C., Lebel T., Lueangjaroenkit P., Maciá-Vicente J.G., Paz A., Saba M., Shivas R.G., Tan Y.P., Wingfield M.J., Aas T., Abramczyk B., Ainsworth A.M., Akulov A., Alvarado P., Armada F., Assyov B., Avchar R., Avesani M., Bezerra J.L., Bhat J.D., Bilański P., Bily D.S., Boccardo F., Bozok F., Campos J.C., Chaimongkol S., Chellappan N., Costa M.M., Dalecká M., Darmostuk V., Daskalopoulos V., Dearnaley J., Dentinger B.T.M., De Silva N.I., Dhotre D., Carlavilla J.R., Doungsa-ard C., Dovana F., Erhard A., Ferro L.O., Gallegos S.C., Giles C.E., Gore G., Gorfer M., Guard F.E., Hanson S.-Å., Haridev P., Jankowiak R., Jeffers S.N., Kandemir H., Karich A., Kisło K., Kiss L., Krisai-Greilhuber I., Latha K.P.D., Lorenzini M., Lumyong S., Manimohan P., Manjón J.L., Maula F., Mazur E., Mesquita N.L.S., Młynek K., Mongkolsamrit S., Morán P., Murugadoss R., Nagarajan M., Nalumpang S., Noisripoom W., Nosalj S., Novaes Q.S., Nowak M., Pawłowska J., Peiger M., Pereira O.L., Pinto A., Plaza M., Polemis E., Polhorský A., Ramos D.O., Raza M., Rivas-Ferreiro M., Rodrigues-Flakus P., Ruszkiewicz-Michalska M., Sánchez A., Santos A., Schüller A., Scott P.A., Şen İ., Shelke D., Śliwa L., Solheim H., Sonawane H., Strašiftáková D., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Sudsanguan M., Suwannarach N., Suz L.M., Syme K., Taşkın H., Tennakoon D.S., Tomka P., Vaghefi N., Vasan V., Vauras J., Wiktorowicz D., Villarreal M., Vizzini A., Wrzosek M., Yang X., Yingkunchao W., Zapparoli G., Zervakis G.I., Groenewald J.Z. 2024. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1614–1696. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 13: 183–440. DOI

Crous P.W., Wingfield M.J., Jurjević Ž., Balashov S., Osieck E.R., Marin-Felix Y., Luangsa-ard J.J., Mejía L.C., Cappelli A., Parra L.A., et al. 2024. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1697–1780. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 14: 325–577. DOI

Darmostuk V., Flakus A. 2024. First molecular evidence of lichen-inhabiting Acrospermum and new insights into the evolution of lifestyles of Acrospermales (Dothideomycetes). Mycologia 116: 17–30. DOI

Darmostuk V.V., Gromakova A.B., Kapets N.V., Lavrynenko K.V., Borovyk D.V., Kuzemko A.A., Khodosovtsev O.Y. 2024. Notes to lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi in Ukraine IV. Chornomorski Botanical Journal 20: 19–35. DOI

Darmostuk V., Sira O., Govorun O. 2024. New data about overlooked terricolous lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi of Ukraine. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 61: 59–66. DOI

Etayo J., Darmostuk V., Kukwa M., Flakus A. 2024. High diversity of Trichonectria (Hypocreales) inhabiting Usnea in Bolivia. Plant and Fungal Systematics 69: 109–124. DOI

Frisch A., Darmostuk V., Diederich P., Holien H., Ihlen P.G., Suija A. 2024. Lichenicolous fungi mainly from the Dovre Mountains, Norway. Graphis Scripta 36: 50–88.

Hachułka M., Rutkowski K., Kubiak D., Kossowska M., Fałtynowicz W., Kościelniak R., Betleja L., Darmostuk V., Sira O., Bohdan A., Grajewska A., Szymczyk R., Kowalewska A., Kukwa M. 2024. Materiały do rozmieszczenia porostów i grzybów naporostowych Polski. Wiadomości Botaniczne 68: 188210. DOI

Haldeman M., Darmostuk V. 2024. Trichonectria fragmospora comb. nov. (Hypocreales), a new lichenicolous fungus record for North America. Evansia 41: 19–27. DOI

Hyde K.D., Noorabadi M.T., Thiyagaraja V., He M.Q., Johnston P.R., Wijesinghe S.N., Armand A., Biketova A.Y., Chethana K.W.T., Erdoğdu M., et al. 2024. The 2024 Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa. Mycosphere 15: 5146–6239. DOI

Khodosovtsev A., Darmostuk V., Dembicz I., Dengler J., Moysiyenko I., Kuzemko A. 2024. Сircinaria ucrainica sp. nov., a new species from sand dunes of the Lower Dnipro valley (Ukraine). The Lichenologist 56: 159–167. DOI

Pem D., Hyde K.D., McKenzie E.H.C., Hongsanan S., Wanasinghe D.N., Boonmee S., Darmostuk V., Bhat J.D., Tian Q., Htet Z.H., Senanayake I.C., Niranjan M., Sarma V.V., Doilom M., Dong W. 2024. A comprehensive overview of genera in Dothideomycetes. Mycosphere 15: 2175–4568. DOI

Suija A., Diederich P., Darmostuk V., Etayo J., Flakus A., Zimmermann E. 2024. Epithamnolia. In: P. Diederich, D. Ertz, U. Braun (eds.). Flora of lichenicolous fungi, Vol. 2, Hyphomycetes. National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg: 178–188.

Crous P.W., Osieck E.R., Shivas R.G., Tan Y.P., Bishop-Hurley S.L., Esteve-Raventós F., Larsson E., Luangsa-ard J.J., Pancorbo F., Balashov S., Baseia I.G., Boekhout T., Chandranayaka S., Cowan D.A., Cruz R.H.S.F., Czachura P., De la Peña-Lastra S., Dovana F., Drury B., Fell J., Flakus A., Fotedar R., Jurjević Ž., Kolecka A., Mack J., Maggs-Kölling G., Mahadevakumar S., Mateos A., Mongkolsamrit S., Noisripoom W., Plaza M., Overy D.P., Piątek M., Sandoval-Denis M., Vauras J., Wingfield M.J., Abell S.E., Ahmadpour A., Akulov A., Alavi F., Alavi Z., Altes A., Alvarado P., Anand G., Ashtekar N., Assyov B., Banc-Prandi G., Barbosa K.D., Barreto G.G., Bellanger J.-M., Bezerra J.L., Bhat D.J., Bilanski P., Bose T., Bozok F., Chaves J., Costa-Rezende D.H., Danteswari C., Darmostuk V., Delgado G., Denman S., Eichmeier A., Etayo J., Eyssartier G., Faulwetter S., Ganga K.G.G., Ghosta Y., Goh J., Góis J.S., Gramaje D., Granit L., Groenewald M., Gulden G., Gusmão L.F.P., Hammerbacher A., Heidarian Z., Hywel-Jones N., Jankowiak R., Kaliyaperumal M., Kaygusuz O., Kezo K., Khonsanit A., Kumar S., Kuo C.H., Læssøe T., Latha K.P.D., Loizides M., Luo S.M., Maciá-Vicente J.G., Manimohan P., Marbach P.A.S., Marinho P., Marney T.S., Marques G., Martín M.P., Miller A.N., Mondello F., Moreno G., Mufeeda K.T., Mun H.Y., Nau T., Nkomo T., Okrasińska A., Oliveira J.P.A.F., Oliveira R.L., Ortiz D.A., Pawłowska J., Pérez-De-Gregorio M.À., Podile A.R., Portugal A., Privitera N., Rajeshkumar K.C., Rauf I., Rian B., Rigueiro-Rodríguez A., Rivas-Torres G.F., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Romero-Gordillo M., Saar I., Saba M., Santos C.D., Sarma P.V.S.R.N., Siquier J.L., Sleiman S., Spetik M., Sridhar K.R., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Szczepańska K., Taşkın H., Tennakoon D.S., Thanakitpipattana D., Trovao J., Türkekul İ., van Iperen A.L., van ’t Hof P., Vasquez G., Visagie C.M., Wingfield B.D., Wong P.T.W., Yang W.X., Yarar M., Yarden O., Yilmaz N., Zhang N., Zhu Y.N., Groenewald J.Z. 2023. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1478–1549. Persoonia 50: 158–310. DOI

Khodosovtsev A., Darmostuk V., Kondratyuk S. 2023. Xanthoria tendraensis sp. nov. and Xanthorietum tendraensis ass. nova from the northern Black Sea coast (Ukraine). Folia Geobotanica 58: 109–126. DOI

Darmostuk V., Fačkovcová Z., Breidy J., Dokmak H., van den Boom P.P.G., Guttová A. 2022. Solenopsora species (Leprocaulaceae) as hosts of lichenicolous fungi. Herzogia 35: 115–130. DOI

Darmostuk V., Khodosovtsev A.Ye., Kostikov I.Yu. 2022. First lichenicolous records of Chaetopyrena penicillata. Mycotaxon 137: 591–602. DOI

Darmostuk V., Sira O. 2022. New and remarkable records of lichenicolous fungi from Ternopil Oblast (Ukraine). II. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 59: 43–51. DOI

Khodosovtsev A., Darmostuk V., Prylutskyi O., Kuzemko A. 2022. Silicicolous lichen communities of the Ukrainian Crystalline Shield. Applied Vegetation Science 25: e12699. DOI

Mishustin R.I., Darmostuk V.V., Khodosovtsev A.Ye. 2022. First overview of Laboulbeniomycetes (Ascomycota) of Ukraine with new records for the country. Czech Mycology 74: 123–139. DOI

Ravera S., Vizzini A., Puglisi M., Assini S., Benesperi R., Bianchi E., Boccardo F., Bottegoni F., von Brackel W., Clericuzio M., Darmostuk V., De Giuseppe A.B., Di Nuzzo L., Dovana F., Galli R., Gheza G., Giordani P., Guttová A., Isocrono D., Malíček J., Martellos S., Mayrhofer H., Nascimbene J., Nimis P.L., Paoli L., Passalacqua N.G., Prosser F., Puntillo D., Seggi L., Sicoli G., Timdal E., Trabucco R., Vallese C. 2022. Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 13. Italian Botanist 13: 1–17. DOI

Darmostuk V.V., Khodosovtsev A.Ye., Gromakova A.B., Sira O.Ye, Davydov D.A., Gavrylenko L.M., Khodosovtseva Yu.A. 2021. Notes to lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi in Ukraine II. Chornomorski Botanical Journal 17: 276–295. DOI

Gromakova A.B., Darmostuk V.V. 2021. Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Beregove town (Zakarpattia region). Chornomorski Botanical Journal 17: 385–394. DOI