
Dr Katarzyna Izworska

Assistant Professor

Portrait photo of Katarzyna Izworska
Biodiversity and Evolution Group
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Lubicz 46, 31‑512 Kraków, Poland


Research interests

  • Dendrochronology, dendroclimatology.
  • Forest ecology.
  • Phylogenetics and phylogeography.

Higher education and employment history

  • MSc degree at the Pedagogical University of Kraków (2018).
  • Research assistant at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany PAS (since 2021).

Membership and awards

  • Member of the Association for Tree-Ring Research (ATR) (since 2022).

Research projects

  • PIONEER: Palaeogenomics of Central European refugia: spatio-temporal dynamics of arctic-alpine flora at the interplay of northern and temperate latitudes (2021–2025); grant no. 2020/37/B/NZ8/03307; National Science Centre (NCN) – contributor.
  • Handling of dead-wood resources in natural habitats in the context of sustainable forest management (2015–2020); grant no. OR.; General Direction of State Forests – contractor.

Recent publications (selected)

Izworska K., Muter E., Matulewski P., Zielonka T. 2023. Tree rings as an ecological indicator of the reaction of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) to climate change and disturbance regime in the extreme environment of cliff forests. Ecological Indicators 148: 110102. DOI

Izworska K., Zielonka T., Matulewski P., Muter E. 2023. Daily climatic data better explain the radial growth of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) in high-elevation cliffs in the Carpathians. Forests 14: 1411. DOI

Łajczak A., Margielewski W., Zielonka T., Pasierbek T., Lamorski T., Kozina P., Izworska K. 2023. Cylowa Zerwa landslide – debris flow forms on Mount Babia Góra (1725) and their development over the last ca. 150 years, Western Carpathians. Geographia Polonica 96: 79–101. DOI

Izworska K., Muter E., Fleischer P. Zielonka T. 2022. Delay of growth release after a windthrow event and climate response in a light-demanding species (European larch Larix decidua Mill.). Trees 36: 427–438. DOI