Dr Edyta Mazur
Assistant Professor

Research interests
- Lichenology: taxonomy and phylogenetics of lichens, in particular of the Lecanora s.l. genus and a photobiont of the genus Trebouxia.
Recent publications (selected)
Crous P.W., Jurjević Ž., Balashov S., De la Peña-Lastra S., Mateos A., Pinruan U., Rigueiro-Rodríguez A., Osiek E.R., Altés A., Czachura P., Esteve-Raventós F., Gunaseelan S., Kaliyaperumal M., Larsson E., Luangsa-ard J.J., Moreno G., Pancorbo F., Piątek M., Sommai S., Somrithipol S., Asif M., Delgado G., Flakus A., Illescas A., Kezo K., Khamsuntorn P., Kubátová A., Labuda R., Lavoise C., Lebel T., Lueangjaroenkit P., Maciá-Vicente J.G., Paz A., Saba M., Shivas R.G., Tan Y.P., Wingfield M.J., Aas T., Abramczyk B., Ainsworth A.M., Akulov A., Alvarado P., Armada F., Assyov B., Avchar R., Avesani M., Bezerra J.L., Bhat J.D., Bilański P., Bily D.S., Boccardo F., Bozok F., Campos J.C., Chaimongkol S., Chellappan N., Costa M.M., Dalecká M., Darmostuk V., Daskalopoulos V., Dearnaley J., Dentinger B.T.M., De Silva N.I., Dhotre D., Carlavilla J.R., Doungsa-ard C., Dovana F., Erhard A., Ferro L.O., Gallegos S.C., Giles C.E., Gore G., Gorfer M., Guard F.E., Hanson S.-Å., Haridev P., Jankowiak R., Jeffers S.N., Kandemir H., Karich A., Kisło K., Kiss L., Krisai-Greilhuber I., Latha K.P.D., Lorenzini M., Lumyong S., Manimohan P., Manjón J.L., Maula F., Mazur E., Mesquita N.L.S., Młynek K., Mongkolsamrit S., Morán P., Murugadoss R., Nagarajan M., Nalumpang S., Noisripoom W., Nosalj S., Novaes Q.S., Nowak M., Pawłowska J., Peiger M., Pereira O.L., Pinto A., Plaza M., Polemis E., Polhorský A., Ramos D.O., Raza M., Rivas-Ferreiro M., Rodrigues-Flakus P., Ruszkiewicz-Michalska M., Sánchez A., Santos A., Schüller A., Scott P.A., Şen İ., Shelke D., Śliwa L., Solheim H., Sonawane H., Strašiftáková D., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Sudsanguan M., Suwannarach N., Suz L.M., Syme K., Taşkın H., Tennakoon D.S., Tomka P., Vaghefi N., Vasan V., Vauras J., Wiktorowicz D., Villarreal M., Vizzini A., Wrzosek M., Yang X., Yingkunchao W., Zapparoli G., Zervakis G.I., Groenewald J.Z. 2024. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1614–1696. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 13: 183–440. DOI
Medeiros I.D., Ibáñez A., Arnold A.E., Hedderson T.A., Miadlikowska J., Flakus A., Carbone I., LaGreca S., Magain N., Mazur E., et al. 2024. Eco-phylogenetic study of Trebouxia in southern Africa reveals interbiome connectivity and potential endemism in a green algal lichen photobiont. American Journal of Botany 111: e16441. DOI
Murawska-Wlodarczyk K., Korzeniak U., Chlebicki A., Mazur E., Dietrich C.C., Babst-Kostecka A. 2022. Metalliferous habitats and seed microbes affect the seed morphology and reproductive strategy of Arabidopsis halleri. Plant and Soil 472: 175–192. DOI
Medeiros I.D., Mazur E., Miadlikowska J., Flakus A., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Pardo-De la Hoz C.J., Cieślak E., Śliwa L., Lutzoni F. 2021. Turnover of lecanoroid mycobionts and their Trebouxia photobionts along an elevation gradient in Bolivia highlights the role of environment in structuring the lichen symbiosis. Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 774839. DOI
Skórka P., Banach A., Banasiak M., Bokalska-Rajba J., Bonk M., Czachura P., García-Rodríguez A., Gaspar G., Hordyńska N., Kaczmarczyk A., Kapłoniak K., Kociński M., Łopata B., Mazur E., Mirzaei M., Misiewicz A., Parres A., Przystałkowska A., Pustkowiak S., Raczyński M., Sadura I., Splitt A., Stanek M., Sternalski J., Wierzbicka A., Wiorek M., Zduńczyk P. 2021. Congruence between the prioritisation of conservation problems at the local and national scale: an evaluation by environmental scientists in Poland. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28: 35317–35326. DOI