
Dr Karina Wilk

Research Assistant

Portrait photo of Karina Wilk
Biodiversity and Evolution Group
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Lubicz 46, 31‑512 Kraków, Poland


Research interests

  • Taxonomy, phylogeny, ecology and biogeography of lichenized fungi of Teloschistaceae, with emphasis on tropical species.
  • Systematics and evolution of Teloschistaceae.
  • Integrative taxonomy use to assess the species delimitation.
  • Diversity, distribution and protection of lichenized fungi of South America and Asia (Kirgiz Republic, Mongolia, Russia).

Recent publications (selected)

Fałtynowicz W., Czarnota P., Krzewicka B., Wilk K., Jabłońska A., Oset M., Ossowska E.A., Śliwa L., Kukwa M. 2024. Lichens of Poland. A fifth annotated checklist. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków. DOI

Wilk K., Lücking R. 2024. Quantitative integrative taxonomy informs species delimitation in Teloschistaceae (lichenized Ascomycota): the genus Wetmoreana as a case study. IMA Fungus 15: 9. DOI

Wilk K., Osyczka P. 2024. Crystalline deposit in lichens: determination of crystals with regard to practical application in standard taxonomic studies. Acta Mycologica 59: 193965. DOI

Wilk K. 2023. New species of Tayloriellina (lichenized Ascomycota, Teloschistaceae) from Bolivia. Phytotaxa 616: 183–188. DOI

Wilk K., Pabijan M., Saługa M., Gaya E., Lücking R. 2021. Phylogenetic revision of South American Teloschistaceae (lichenized Ascomycota, Teloschistales) reveals three new genera and species. Mycologia 113: 278–299. DOI

Ludwig L.R., Kantvilas G., Nilsen A.R., Orlovich D.A., Ohmura Y., Summerfield T.C., Wilk K., Lord J.M. 2020. A molecular-genetic reassessment of the circumscription of the lichen genus Icmadophila. The Lichenologist 52: 213–220. DOI

Wilk K. 2020. Huriella flakusii (Teloschistaceae, lichenized Ascomycota), a new species from the Colca Canyon region in Peru. The Lichenologist 52: 37–47. DOI

Lücking R., Dal Forno M., Moncada B., Coca L.F., Vargas-Mendoza L.Y., Aptroot A., Arias L.J., Besal B., Bungartz F., Cabrera-Amaya D.M., Cáceres M.E.S., Chaves J.L., Eliasaro S., Gutiérrez M.C., Hernández Marin J.E., de los Ángeles Herrera-Campos M., Holgado-Rojas M.E., Jonitz H., Kukwa M., Lucheta F., Madriñán S., Marcelli M.P, de Azevedo Martins S.M., Mercado-Díaz J.A., Molina J.A., Morales E.A., Nelson P.R., Nugra F., Ortega F., Paredes T., Patiño A.L., Peláez-Pulido R.N., Pérez Pérez R.E., Perlmutter G.B., Rivas-Plata E., Robayo J., Rodríguez C., Simijaca D.F., Soto-Medina E., Spielmann A.A., Suárez-Corredor A., Torres J.-M., Vargas C.A, Yánez-Ayabaca A., Weerakoon G., Wilk K., Pacheco M.C., Diazgranados M., Brokamp G., Borsch T., Gillevet P.M., Sikaroodi M., Lawrey J.D. 2017. Turbo-taxonomy to assemble a megadiverse lichen genus: seventy new species of Cora (Basidiomycota: Agaricales: Hygrophoraceae), honouring David Leslie Hawksworth's seventieth birthday. Fungal Diversity 84: 139–207. DOI

Wilk K., Flakus A. 2017. Eight Caloplaca species newly recorded from Bolivia, including C. crocina comb. nov. Mycotaxon 132: 125–140. DOI

Frolov I., Vondrák J., Fernández-Mendoza F., Wilk K., Khodosovtsev A., Halıcı M.G. 2016. Three new, seemingly-cryptic species in the lichen genus Caloplaca (Teloschistaceae) distinguished in two-phase phenotype evaluation. Annales Botanici Fennici 53: 243–262. DOI