
Professor Lucyna Śliwa

Full Professor

Portrait photo of Lucyna Śliwa
Biodiversity and Evolution Group
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Lubicz 46, 31‑512 Kraków, Poland


Research interests

  • Systematics of lichen-forming fungi (lichens) with particular emphasis on the Lecanoraceae family.
  • Phylogenesis, genetic variation and microevolution of representatives of the genus Lecanora s.l. on a world scale.
  • Biodiversity and lichen chorology in the mountainous regions of Europe and South America, and in North America.
  • Anthropogenic changes of lichen biota.

Higher education and employment history

  • Technical assistant at the Institute of Botany of the Jagiellonian University (1986–1988).
  • MSc degree at the Institute of Botany of the Jagiellonian University (1987).
  • Visiting Scholar at the University of Minnesota, Plant Biology Department, St. Paul, USA (1991–1992).
  • Research assistant at the Institute of Botany of the Jagiellonian University (1992–2001).
  • PhD degree at the Institute of Botany of the Jagiellonian University (1996).
  • Post Doctoral Fellow at the University of Minnesota, Plant Biology Department, St. Paul, USA (2001–2002).
  • Assistant professor at the Institute of Botany of the Jagiellonian University (2001–2003).
  • Assistant professor at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (2003–2008).
  • Habilitation at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (2008).
  • Associate professor at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (2008–2014).
  • Professor title conferred by the President of the Republic of Poland (2014).
  • Head of the Department of Lichenology (2008–2019).
  • Curator of the Herbarium KRAM L (2008–2019).
  • Director of the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (since 2019).

Membership and awards

  • Scholarship of the Kościuszko Foundation in New York (1991).
  • Rector of the Jagiellonian University award for doctoral dissertation (1998).
  • Member of International Association for Lichenology (2000), Polish Botanical Society (2000), Lichenological Section (2000), American Bryological and Lichenological Society (2005), Polish Mycological Society (2019).
  • Member of the Nominating Committee of the International Lichenological Society [IAL] (2008–2012).
  • Member of Editorial Boards of Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica (2012), Monographie Botanicae (2017), Plant and Fungal Systematics (2017), Studia Nature (2020).
  • Golden Cross of Merit for activities for the development of science [state decoration] (2015).

International experience

  • USA (1991) – 3-week scientific expedition; Hercules Glades Wilderness of Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri, and Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota.
  • USA (1991, 1992) – 1-year research stay; University of Minnesota, St. Paul.
  • USA (1992) – several days visit as part of individual collaboration; Field Museum, Chicago.
  • USA (2001–2002) – 1-year postdoc; University of Minnesota, St. Paul.
  • USA (2002) – 1-week scientific expedition; Northern Highland State Forest, Wisconsin, and Superior National Forest, Minnesota.
  • Ukraine (2003) – 1-week scientific expedition; Podolia.
  • Slovakia (2005) – several days scientific expedition; Tatry Mts.
  • USA (2008) – 1-week scientific expedition; Point Reyes National Park, California.
  • USA (2009) – 1-month training in molecular techniques; Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
  • USA (2009) – several days visit as part of individual collaboration; Field Museum, Chicago.
  • Thailand (2012) – 1-week scientific expedition; mangrove forest.

Research projects

  • Taxonomy and ecology of the genus Lecanora in Antarctica (2000–2002); grant no. 6 P04C 083 18; State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) – project leader.
  • Lichen flora of the Greates Sonoran Desert Region (2000–2004); grant no. DEB-0103738; National Science Foundation – co-investigator.
  • Lichens of the Ottawa National Forest Region, Michigen (2001–2002); project funded by Ottawa National Forest Service – co-inestigator.
  • Revision of the Lecanora dispersa group in North and Central America (2001–2002); project funded by Prof. C.M. Wetmore Lab and Plant Biology Department of University of Minnesota – project leader.
  • Important plant areas in Central and Eastern Europe (2002–2005); Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality with the PIN/MATRA funds of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – consultant.
  • Landscape development, biodiversity and co-operative livestock systems in Europe (2002–2006); grant no. EVK2-2001-00259 (EU-Project LACOPE) – co-inestigator.
  • Taxonomic differentiation of the Lecanora dispersa group in North America (2004–2006); grant no. 2 P04G 087 26; State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) – project leader.
  • Molecular patterns within the Lecanora dispersa group in Poland against the background of morphological-anatomical and chemotaxonomic variability of individual species (2007–2009); grant no. N N304 05032/2318; Ministry of Science and Higher Education – project leader.
  • Freshwater lichens in Poland: diversity, ecology and bioindication (2009–2013); grant no. N N304 170539; Ministry of Science and Higher Education – co-investigator.
  • Biological diversity of tropical South America: Bolivian lichens – a case study (2010–2013); grant no. 92/L-1/09; National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR); LIDER Programme – co-investigator.
  • Perspectives in lichenological research – biodiversity, lichen chemistry (2010–2014); grant no. OTKA-K 81232; Hungarian Scientific Research Fund – co-investigator.
  • Taxonomic diversity of the Caloplaca species in Bolivia (2011–2014); grant no. N N303 821740; Ministry of Science and Higher Education – co-investigator.
  • Lecanomics: New ways of species detection and recognition in a ubiquitous group of lichens (2017–2022); grant no. DFG-350500653; Deutche Forschungsgemeinschaft – co-investigator.
  • Species delimitation and phylogeny of neotropical Lecanora s.l. (lichen-forming Ascomycota, Lecanoromycetes) from Bolivia based on multilocus and phenotypic data (2017–2020); grant no. 2016/21/B/NZ8/02463; National Science Centre (NCN) – project leader.
  • OZwRCIN: Open resources in the digital repository of scientific institutes (2018–2021); grant no. POPC.02.03.01-00-0029/17; Operational Programme Digital Poland for 2014−2020 – scientific manager; project leader at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS.
  • IMBIO: Integration and mobilization of data on the biotic diversity of Eukaryota in the resources of Polish scientific institutions (2020–2022); grant no. POPC.020301-00-0081/19; Operational Programme Digital Poland for 2014−2020 – project leader at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS.

Recent publications (selected)

Crous P.W., Jurjević Ž., Balashov S., De la Peña-Lastra S., Mateos A., Pinruan U., Rigueiro-Rodríguez A., Osiek E.R., Altés A., Czachura P., Esteve-Raventós F., Gunaseelan S., Kaliyaperumal M., Larsson E., Luangsa-ard J.J., Moreno G., Pancorbo F., Piątek M., Sommai S., Somrithipol S., Asif M., Delgado G., Flakus A., Illescas A., Kezo K., Khamsuntorn P., Kubátová A., Labuda R., Lavoise C., Lebel T., Lueangjaroenkit P., Maciá-Vicente J.G., Paz A., Saba M., Shivas R.G., Tan Y.P., Wingfield M.J., Aas T., Abramczyk B., Ainsworth A.M., Akulov A., Alvarado P., Armada F., Assyov B., Avchar R., Avesani M., Bezerra J.L., Bhat J.D., Bilański P., Bily D.S., Boccardo F., Bozok F., Campos J.C., Chaimongkol S., Chellappan N., Costa M.M., Dalecká M., Darmostuk V., Daskalopoulos V., Dearnaley J., Dentinger B.T.M., De Silva N.I., Dhotre D., Carlavilla J.R., Doungsa-ard C., Dovana F., Erhard A., Ferro L.O., Gallegos S.C., Giles C.E., Gore G., Gorfer M., Guard F.E., Hanson S.-Å., Haridev P., Jankowiak R., Jeffers S.N., Kandemir H., Karich A., Kisło K., Kiss L., Krisai-Greilhuber I., Latha K.P.D., Lorenzini M., Lumyong S., Manimohan P., Manjón J.L., Maula F., Mazur E., Mesquita N.L.S., Młynek K., Mongkolsamrit S., Morán P., Murugadoss R., Nagarajan M., Nalumpang S., Noisripoom W., Nosalj S., Novaes Q.S., Nowak M., Pawłowska J., Peiger M., Pereira O.L., Pinto A., Plaza M., Polemis E., Polhorský A., Ramos D.O., Raza M., Rivas-Ferreiro M., Rodrigues-Flakus P., Ruszkiewicz-Michalska M., Sánchez A., Santos A., Schüller A., Scott P.A., Şen İ., Shelke D., Śliwa L., Solheim H., Sonawane H., Strašiftáková D., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Sudsanguan M., Suwannarach N., Suz L.M., Syme K., Taşkın H., Tennakoon D.S., Tomka P., Vaghefi N., Vasan V., Vauras J., Wiktorowicz D., Villarreal M., Vizzini A., Wrzosek M., Yang X., Yingkunchao W., Zapparoli G., Zervakis G.I., Groenewald J.Z. 2024. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1614–1696. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 13: 183–440. DOI

Fałtynowicz W., Czarnota P., Krzewicka B., Wilk K., Jabłońska A., Oset M., Ossowska E.A., Śliwa L., Kukwa M. 2024. Lichens of Poland. A fifth annotated checklist. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków. DOI

Wołowski K., Spisak W., Chlebicki A., Szar M., Kozak J., Śliwa L. 2022. Two-phase medium – a new approach to microbiological culturing. Cryptogamie, Algologie 43: 95–105. DOI

Chlebicki A., Spisak W., Lorenc M.W., Śliwa L., Wołowski K. 2021. Electromagnetic field as agent moving bioactive cations. A new antimicrobial system in architecture technology. Applied Sciences 11: 8320. DOI

Medeiros I.D., Mazur E., Miadlikowska J., Flakus A., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Pardo-De la Hoz C.J., Cieślak E., Śliwa L., Lutzoni F. 2021. Turnover of lecanoroid mycobionts and their Trebouxia photobionts along an elevation gradient in Bolivia highlights the role of environment in structuring the lichen symbiosis. Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 774839. DOI

Szczepańska K., Urbaniak J., Śliwa L. 2020. Taxonomic recognition of some species-level lineages circumscribed in nominal Rhizoplaca subdiscrepans s. lat. (Lecanoraceae, Ascomycota). PeerJ 8: e9555. DOI

Szczepańska K., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Urbaniak J., Śliwa L. 2019. Neotypification of Protoparmeliopsis garovaglii and molecular evidence of its occurrence in Poland and South America. MycoKeys 57: 31–46. DOI

Fałtynowicz W., Śliwa L. 2017. The Polish lichenological bibliography for 1982–2016. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków.

Krzewicka B., Smykla J., Galas J., Śliwa L. 2017. Freshwater lichens and habitat zonation of mountain streams. Limnologica 63: 1–10. DOI

Wieczorek A., Łysko A., Popiela A., Śliwa L. 2017. Additions to the flora of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi of Bornholm (Denmark). Herzogia 30: 304–308. DOI

Zhao X., Leavitt S.D., Zhao Z.T., Zhang L.L., Arup U., Grube M., Pérez-Ortega S., Printzen C., Śliwa L., Kraichak E., Divakar P.K., Crespo A., Lumbsch H.T. 2016. Towards a revised generic classification of lecanoroid lichens (Lecanoraceae, Ascomycota) based on molecular, morphological and chemical evidence. Fungal Diversity 78: 293–304. DOI