
Dr Marcin Piątek

Assistant Professor

Portrait photo of Marcin Piątek
Biodiversity and Evolution Group
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Lubicz 46, 31‑512 Kraków, Poland

ORCIDRGGoogle Scholar

Research interests

  • Evolution, systematics, species concept, host specificity, co-evolutionary relations with host plants, and biogeography of phytopathogenic fungi (mostly smut fungi) on the worldwide scale.
  • Biodiversity and systematics of extremophilic fungi.
  • Endophytes and their interactions with early diverging plants.

Recent publications (selected)

Crous P.W., Jurjević Ž., Balashov S., De la Peña-Lastra S., Mateos A., Pinruan U., Rigueiro-Rodríguez A., Osiek E.R., Altés A., Czachura P., Esteve-Raventós F., Gunaseelan S., Kaliyaperumal M., Larsson E., Luangsa-ard J.J., Moreno G., Pancorbo F., Piątek M., Sommai S., Somrithipol S., Asif M., Delgado G., Flakus A., Illescas A., Kezo K., Khamsuntorn P., Kubátová A., Labuda R., Lavoise C., Lebel T., Lueangjaroenkit P., Maciá-Vicente J.G., Paz A., Saba M., Shivas R.G., Tan Y.P., Wingfield M.J., Aas T., Abramczyk B., Ainsworth A.M., Akulov A., Alvarado P., Armada F., Assyov B., Avchar R., Avesani M., Bezerra J.L., Bhat J.D., Bilański P., Bily D.S., Boccardo F., Bozok F., Campos J.C., Chaimongkol S., Chellappan N., Costa M.M., Dalecká M., Darmostuk V., Daskalopoulos V., Dearnaley J., Dentinger B.T.M., De Silva N.I., Dhotre D., Carlavilla J.R., Doungsa-ard C., Dovana F., Erhard A., Ferro L.O., Gallegos S.C., Giles C.E., Gore G., Gorfer M., Guard F.E., Hanson S.-Å., Haridev P., Jankowiak R., Jeffers S.N., Kandemir H., Karich A., Kisło K., Kiss L., Krisai-Greilhuber I., Latha K.P.D., Lorenzini M., Lumyong S., Manimohan P., Manjón J.L., Maula F., Mazur E., Mesquita N.L.S., Młynek K., Mongkolsamrit S., Morán P., Murugadoss R., Nagarajan M., Nalumpang S., Noisripoom W., Nosalj S., Novaes Q.S., Nowak M., Pawłowska J., Peiger M., Pereira O.L., Pinto A., Plaza M., Polemis E., Polhorský A., Ramos D.O., Raza M., Rivas-Ferreiro M., Rodrigues-Flakus P., Ruszkiewicz-Michalska M., Sánchez A., Santos A., Schüller A., Scott P.A., Şen İ., Shelke D., Śliwa L., Solheim H., Sonawane H., Strašiftáková D., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Sudsanguan M., Suwannarach N., Suz L.M., Syme K., Taşkın H., Tennakoon D.S., Tomka P., Vaghefi N., Vasan V., Vauras J., Wiktorowicz D., Villarreal M., Vizzini A., Wrzosek M., Yang X., Yingkunchao W., Zapparoli G., Zervakis G.I., Groenewald J.Z. 2024. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1614–1696. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 13: 183–440. DOI

Crous P.W., Wingfield M.J., Jurjević Ž., Balashov S., Osieck E.R., Marin-Felix Y., Luangsa-ard J.J., Mejía L.C., Cappelli A., Parra L.A., et al. 2024. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1697–1780. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 14: 325–577. DOI

Hyde K.D., Noorabadi M.T., Thiyagaraja V., He M.Q., Johnston P.R., Wijesinghe S.N., Armand A., Biketova A.Y., Chethana K.W.T., Erdoğdu M., et al. 2024. The 2024 Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa. Mycosphere 15: 5146–6239. DOI

Jiménez-Mejías P., Manzano S., Gowda V., Krell F.T., Lin M.Y., Martín-Bravo S., Martín-Torrijos L., Nieto Feliner G., Mosyakin S.L., Naczi R.F.C., et al. 2024. Protecting stable biological nomenclatural systems enables universal communication: A collective international appeal. BioScience 74: 467–472. DOI

Kijpornyongpan T., Noble M.C., Piątek M., Lutz M., Aime M.C. 2024. Elucidation of intragenomic variation of ribosomal DNA sequences in the enigmatic fungal genus Ceraceosorus, including a newly described species Ceraceosorus americanus. IMA Fungus 15: 42. DOI

Patejuk K., Czachura P., Baturo-Cieśniewska A., Owczarek-Kościelniak M., Pusz W., Najberek K., Piątek M. 2024. Colletotrichum acericola sp. nov. from seeds of the invasive alien tree species Acer negundo in Poland. Plant Pathology 72: 1716–1725. DOI

Piątek M., Lutz M., Kruse J., Stryjak-Bogacka M. 2024. Identification and characterization of Entyloma eschscholziae, a recently introduced pathogen in Europe, and its segregate Entyloma dendromeconis sp. nov. Plant Pathology 73: 57–68. DOI

Piątek M., Lutz M., Mossebo D.C., Piątek J. 2024. Emended description and phylogenetic placement of Dermatosorus schoenoplecti (Ustilaginales). Phytotaxa 674: 218–228. DOI

Piątek M., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Czachura P. 2024. Arthrocatenales, a new order of extremophilic fungi in the Dothideomycetes. MycoKeys 108: 47–74. DOI

Piątek M., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Czachura P. 2024. Emended Neodactylariales (Dothideomycetes): Szaferohypha gen. nov. and phylogenetically related genera. MycoKeys 111: 211–228. DOI

Crous P.W., Osieck E.R., Shivas R.G., Tan Y.P., Bishop-Hurley S.L., Esteve-Raventós F., Larsson E., Luangsa-ard J.J., Pancorbo F., Balashov S., Baseia I.G., Boekhout T., Chandranayaka S., Cowan D.A., Cruz R.H.S.F., Czachura P., De la Peña-Lastra S., Dovana F., Drury B., Fell J., Flakus A., Fotedar R., Jurjević Ž., Kolecka A., Mack J., Maggs-Kölling G., Mahadevakumar S., Mateos A., Mongkolsamrit S., Noisripoom W., Plaza M., Overy D.P., Piątek M., Sandoval-Denis M., Vauras J., Wingfield M.J., Abell S.E., Ahmadpour A., Akulov A., Alavi F., Alavi Z., Altes A., Alvarado P., Anand G., Ashtekar N., Assyov B., Banc-Prandi G., Barbosa K.D., Barreto G.G., Bellanger J.-M., Bezerra J.L., Bhat D.J., Bilanski P., Bose T., Bozok F., Chaves J., Costa-Rezende D.H., Danteswari C., Darmostuk V., Delgado G., Denman S., Eichmeier A., Etayo J., Eyssartier G., Faulwetter S., Ganga K.G.G., Ghosta Y., Goh J., Góis J.S., Gramaje D., Granit L., Groenewald M., Gulden G., Gusmão L.F.P., Hammerbacher A., Heidarian Z., Hywel-Jones N., Jankowiak R., Kaliyaperumal M., Kaygusuz O., Kezo K., Khonsanit A., Kumar S., Kuo C.H., Læssøe T., Latha K.P.D., Loizides M., Luo S.M., Maciá-Vicente J.G., Manimohan P., Marbach P.A.S., Marinho P., Marney T.S., Marques G., Martín M.P., Miller A.N., Mondello F., Moreno G., Mufeeda K.T., Mun H.Y., Nau T., Nkomo T., Okrasińska A., Oliveira J.P.A.F., Oliveira R.L., Ortiz D.A., Pawłowska J., Pérez-De-Gregorio M.À., Podile A.R., Portugal A., Privitera N., Rajeshkumar K.C., Rauf I., Rian B., Rigueiro-Rodríguez A., Rivas-Torres G.F., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Romero-Gordillo M., Saar I., Saba M., Santos C.D., Sarma P.V.S.R.N., Siquier J.L., Sleiman S., Spetik M., Sridhar K.R., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Szczepańska K., Taşkın H., Tennakoon D.S., Thanakitpipattana D., Trovao J., Türkekul İ., van Iperen A.L., van ’t Hof P., Vasquez G., Visagie C.M., Wingfield B.D., Wong P.T.W., Yang W.X., Yarar M., Yarden O., Yilmaz N., Zhang N., Zhu Y.N., Groenewald J.Z. 2023. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1478–1549. Persoonia 50: 158–310. DOI

Worobiec G., Piątek M., Worobiec E. 2023. Szaferomyces pliocenicus nov. gen., nov. sp. from the Upper Pliocene deposits of Mizerna (Poland), a fossil fungus showing close resemblance to modern powdery mildews. Geobios 79: 77–82. DOI

Shivas R., McTaggart A., Begerow D., Denchev C.M., Denchev T.T., Kemler M., Kruse J., Lutz M., Piątek M., Piepenbring M., Thines M. 2022. Obituary for Kálmán Vánky (1930–2021). Mycological Progress 21: 53. DOI

Czachura P., Owczarek-Kościelniak M., Piątek M. 2021. Salinomyces polonicus: A moderately halophilic kin of the most extremely halotolerant fungus Hortaea werneckii. Fungal Biology 125: 459–468. DOI

Piątek M., Lutz M., Wang Y., Wang S.R., Kellner R. 2021. Thecaphora dahuangis, a new species causing leaf smut disease of the traditional medicinal plant "da‐huang" (Rheum palmatum) in China. Plant Pathology 70: 1292–1299. DOI

Yurkov A., Alves A., Bai F.-Y., Boundy-Mills K., Buzzini P., Čadež N., Cardinali G., Casaregola S., Chaturvedi V., Collin V., Fell J.W., Girard V., Groenewald M., Hagen F., Hittinger C.T., Kachalkin A.V., Kostrzewa M., Kouvelis V., Libkind D., Liu X., Maier T., Meyer W., Péter G., Piątek M., Robert V., Rosa C.A., Sampaio J.P., Sipiczki M., Stadler M., Sugita T., Sugiyama J., Takagi H., Takashima M., Turchetti B., Wang Q.-M., Boekhout T. 2021. Nomenclatural issues concerning cultured yeasts and other fungi: why it is important to avoid unneeded name changes. IMA Fungus 12: 18. DOI

Kemler M., Denchev T.T., Denchev C.M., Begerow D., Piątek M., Lutz M. 2020. Host preference and sorus location correlate with parasite phylogeny in the smut fungal genus Microbotryum (Basidiomycota, Microbotryales). Mycological Progress 19: 481–493. DOI

Piątek J., Lenarczyk J., Piątek M. 2020. Assessing morphological congruence in Dinobryon species and their stomatocysts, including a newly established Dinobryon pediforme–stomatocyst connection. Scientific Reports 10: 9779. DOI

Piątek M., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Domic A., Palabral-Aquilera A.N., Gómez M.I., Flakus A. 2020. Phylogenetic placement of Leptosphaeria polylepidis, a pathogen of Andean endemic Polylepis tarapacana, and its newly discovered mycoparasite Sajamaea mycophila gen. et sp. nov. Mycological Progress 19: 1–14. DOI

Smith P.A., Lutz M., Piątek M. 2020. The distribution and host range of Thecaphora melandrii, with first records for Britain. Kew Bulletin 75: 39. DOI

Błaszkowski J., Niezgoda P., Piątek M., Magurno F., Malicka M., Zubek S., Mleczko P., Yorou N.S., Jobim K., Vista X.M., Lima J.L.R., Goto B.T. 2019. Rhizoglomus dalpeae, R. maiae, and R. silesianum, new species. Mycologia 111: 965–980. DOI

Czachura P., Owczarek-Kościelniak M., Piątek M. 2019. Pseudodidymella fagi in Slovakia: first detection, morphology and culture characteristics. Forest Pathology 49: e12479. DOI

Piątek M., Yorou N.S. 2019. Pseudocercospora avicenniicola on black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) in Benin: The first report from Africa. Forest Pathology 49: e12478. DOI

Riess K., Schön M.E., Ziegler R., Lutz M., Shivas R.G., Piątek M., Garnica S. 2019. The origin and diversification of the Entorrhizales: deep evolutionary roots but recent speciation with a phylogenetic and phenotypic split between associates of the Cyperaceae and Juncaceae. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 19: 13–30. DOI

Kruse J., Piątek M., Lutz M., Thines M. 2018. Broad host range species in specialised pathogen groups should be treated with suspicion – a case study on Entyloma infecting Ranunculus. Persoonia 41: 175–201. DOI

Zamora J.C., Svensson M., Kirschner R., Olariaga I., Ryman S., Parra L.A., Geml J., Rosling A., Adamčík S., Ahti T., Aime M.C., Ainsworth A.M., Albert L., Albertó E., Altés García A., Ageev D., Agerer R., Aguirre-Hudson B., Ammirati J., Andersson H., Angelini C., Antonín V., Aoki T., Aptroot A., Argaud D., Arguello Sosa B.I., Aronsen A., Arup U., Asgari B., Assyov B., Atienza V., Bandini D., Baptista-Ferreira J.L., Baral H.O., Baroni T., Barreto R.W., Beker H., Bell A., Bellanger J.M., Bellù F., Bemmann M., Bendiksby M., Bendiksen E., Bendiksen K., Benedek L., Bérešová-Guttová A., Berger F., Berndt R., Bernicchia A., Biketova A.Y., Bizio E., Bjork C., Boekhout T., Boertmann D., Böhning T., Boittin F., Boluda C.G., Boomsluiter M.W., Borovička J., Brandrud T.E., Braun U., Brodo I., Bulyonkova T., Burdsall Jr. H.H., Buyck B., Burgaz A.R., Calatayud V., Callac P., Campo E., Candusso M., Capoen B., Carbó J., Carbone M., Castañeda-Ruiz R.F., Castellano M.A., Chen J., Clerc P., Consiglio G., Corriol G., Courtecuisse R., Crespo A., Cripps C., Crous P.W., da Silva G.A., da Silva M., Dam M., Dam N., Dämmrich F., Das K., Davies L., De Crop E., De Kesel A., De Lange R., De Madrignac Bonzi B., dela Cruz T.E.E., Delgat L., Demoulin V., Desjardin D.E., Diederich P., Dima B., Dios M.M., Divakar P.K., Douanla-Meli C., Douglas B., Drechsler-Santos E.R., Dyer P.S., Eberhardt U., Ertz D., Esteve-Raventós F., Etayo Salazar J.A., Evenson V., Eyssartier G., Farkas E., Favre A., Fedosova A.G., Filippa M., Finy P., Flakus A., Fos S., Fournier J., Fraiture A., Franchi P., Franco Molano A.E., Friebes G., Frisch A., Fryday A., Furci G., Galán Márquez R., Garbelotto M., García-Martín J.M., García Otálora M.A., García Sánchez D., Gardiennet A., Garnica S., Garrido Benavent I., Gates G., Gerlach A.C.L., Ghobad-Nejhad M., Gibertoni T.B., Grebenc T., Greilhuber I., Grishkan B., Groenewald J.Z., Grube M., Gruhn G., Gueidan C., Gulden G., Gusmão L.F.P., Hafellner J., Hairaud M., Halama M., Hallenberg N., Halling R.E., Hansen K., Harder C.B., Heilmann-Clausen J., Helleman S., Henriot A., Hernandez-Restrepo M., Herve R., Hobart C., Hoffmeister M., Høiland K., Holec J., Holien H., Hughes K., Hubka V., Huhtinen S., Ivančevi B., Jagers M., Jaklitsch W., Jansen A.E., Jayawardena R.S., Jeppesen T.S., Jeppson M., Johnston P., Jørgensen P.M., Kärnefelt I., Kalinina L.B., Kantvilas G., Karadelev M., Kasuya T., Kautmanová I., Kerrigan R.W., Kirchmair M., Kiyashko A., Knapp D.G., Knudsen H., Knudsen K., Knutsson T., Kolařík M., Kõljalg U., Košuthová A., Koszka A., Kotiranta H., Kotkova V., Koukol O., Kout J., Kovács G.M., Kříž M., Kruys Å., Kučera V., Kudzma L., Kuhar F., Kukwa M., Kumar T.K.A., Kunca V., Kušan I., Kuyper T.W., Lado C., Læssøe T., Lainé P., Langer E., Larsson E., Larsson K.H., Laursen G., Lechat C., Lee S., Lendemer J.C., Levin L., Lindemann U., Lindström H., Liu X., Llarena Hernandez R.C., Llop E., Locsmándi C., Lodge D.J., Loizides M., Lőkös L., Luangsa-ard J., Lüderitz M., Lumbsch T., Lutz M., Mahoney D., Malysheva E., Malysheva V., Manimohan P., Marin-Felix Y., Marques G., Martínez-Gil R., Marson G., Mata G., Matheny P.B., Mathiassen G.H., Matočec N., Mayrhofer H., Mehrabi M., Melo I., Meši A., Methven A.S., Miettinen O., Millanes Romero A.M., Miller A.N., Mitchell J.K., Moberg R., Moreau P.A., Moreno G., Morozova O., Morte A., Muggia L., Muñoz González G., Myllys L., Nagy I., Nagy L.G., Neves M.A., Niemelä T., Nimis P.L., Niveiro N., Noordeloos M.E., Nordin A., Noumeur S.R., Novozhilov Y., Nuytinck J., Ohenoja E., Oliveira Fiuza P., Orange A., Ordynets A., Ortiz-Santana B., Pacheco L., Pál-Fám F., Palacio M., Palice Z., Papp V., Pärtel K., Pawlowska J., Paz A., Peintner U., Pennycook S., Pereira O.L., Pérez Daniëls P., Pérez-De-Gregorio Capella M.À., Pérez del Amo C.M., Pérez Gorjón S., Pérez-Ortega S., Pérez-Vargas I., Perry B.A., Petersen J.H., Petersen R.H., Pfister D.H., Phukhamsakda C., Piątek M., Piepenbring M., Pino-Bodas R., Pinzón Esquivel J.P., Pirot P., Popov E.S., Popoff O., Prieto Álvaro M., Printzen C., Psurtseva N., Purahong W., Quijada L., Rambold G., Ramírez N.A., Raja H., Raspé O., Raymundo T., Réblová M., Rebriev Y.A., Reyes García J.D., Ribes Ripoll M.A., Richard F., Richardson M.J., Rico V.J., Robledo G.L., Rodrigues Barbosa F., Rodriguez-Caycedo C., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Ronikier A., Rubio Casas L., Rusevska K., Saar G., Saar I., Salcedo I., Salcedo Martínez S.M., Salvador Montoya C.A., Sánchez Ramírez S., Sandoval-Sierra J.V., Santamaria S., Santana Monteiro J., Schroers H.J., Schulz B., Schmidt-Stohn G., Schumacher T., Senn-Irlet B., Ševčíková H., Shchepin O., Shirouzu T., Shiryaev A., Siepe K., Sir E.B., Sohrabi M., Soop K., Spirin V., Spribille T., Stadler M., Stalpers J., Stenroos S., Suija A., Sunhede S., Svantesson S., Svensson S., Svetasheva T.Yu., Świerkosz K., Tamm H., Taskin H., Taudière A., Tedebrand J.-O., Tena Lahoz R., Temina M., Thell A., Thines M., Thor G., Thüs H., Tibell L., Tibell S., Timdal E., Tkalčec Z., Tønsberg T., Trichies G., Triebel D., Tsurykau A., Tulloss R.E., Tuovinen V., Ulloa Sosa M., Urcelay C., Valade F., Valenzuela Garza R., van den Boom P., Van Vooren N., Vasco-Palacios A.M., Vauras J., Velasco Santos J.M., Vellinga E., Verbeken A., Vetlesen P., Vizzini A., Voglmayr H., Volobuev S., von Brackel W., Voronina E., Walther G., Watling R., Weber E., Wedin M., Weholt Ø., Westberg M., Yurchenko E., Zehnálek P., Zhang H., Zhurbenko M.P., Ekman S. 2018. Considerations and consequences of allowing DNA sequence data as types of fungal taxa. IMA Fungus 9: 167–175. DOI

Ziegler R., Lutz M., Piątek J., Piątek M. 2018. Dismantling a complex of anther smuts (Microbotryum) on carnivorous plants in the genus Pinguicula. Mycologia 110: 361–374. DOI

Gierczyk B., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Pietras M., Gryc M., Czerniawski W., Piątek M. 2017. Coprinopsis rugosomagnispora: a distinct new coprinoid species from Poland (Central Europe). Plant Systematics and Evolution 303: 915–925. DOI

Karasiński D., Piątek M. 2017. The genus Dentipratulum (Russulales, Auriscalpiaceae): comparative morphology and SEM imaging spore ornamentation split one into three species. Mycological Progress 16: 109–116. DOI

Piątek M., Lutz M., Sousa F.M.P., Santos A.R.O., Félix C.R., Landell M.F., Gomes F.C.O., Rosa C.A. 2017. Pattersoniomyces tillandsiae gen. et comb. nov.: linking sexual and asexual morphs of the only known smut fungus associated with Bromeliaceae. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 17: 531–543. DOI

Rooney-Latham S., Lutz M., Blomquist C.L., Romberg M.K., Scheck H.J., Piątek M. 2017. Entyloma helianthi: identification and characterization of the causal agent of sunflower white leaf smut. Mycologia 109: 520–528. DOI

Smith P.A., Lutz M., Ziegler R., Piątek M. 2017. Anther smuts of Silene acaulis and S. uniflora in the Outer Hebrides, including an assessment of ITS genotypes of Microbotryum silenes-acaulis. IMA Fungus 8: 107–116. DOI

Aghayeva D.N., Lutz M., Piątek M. 2016. Transmission electron microscopy of Tuberculina species (Helicobasidiales) reveals an unique mode of conidiogenesis within Basidiomycota. Fungal Biology 120: 1010–1016. DOI

Lutz M., Piątek M. 2016. Phylogenetic placement, DNA barcoding, morphology and evidence for the spreading of Entyloma cosmi, a species attacking Cosmos bipinnatus in temperate climate gardens. European Journal of Plant Pathology 145: 857–869. DOI

Piątek M., Riess K., Karasiński D., Yorou N.S., Lutz M. 2016. Integrative analysis of the West African Ceraceosorus africanus sp. nov. provides insights into the diversity, biogeography, and evolution of the enigmatic Ceraceosorales (Fungi: Ustilaginomycotina). Organisms Diversity & Evolution 16: 743–760. DOI