Dr Paweł Czachura
Assistant Professor

Research interests
- Biodiversity, taxonomy and ecology of extremophilic fungi.
- The biotechnological potential of fungi inhabiting extreme environments.
Higher education and employment history
- MSc degree at the Jagiellonian University (2015).
- PhD study at the Doctoral Studies in Natural Sciences, PAS (since 2016).
- Technical Assistant at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (2008–2020).
- Research Assistant at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (since 2021).
Membership and awards
- Scholarship for the best PhD students, DSNS PAS (2018).
- The first place for the best research on the national student and PhD student conference “MycoRise Up! Młodzi w Mykologii” (2019).
- Member of the Scientific Council of the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (since 2019).
International experience
- The Netherlands (2020) - 1-week course Fungal Biodiversity 2020; Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht.
Research projects
- Fungi from resin exudates of Pinus sylvestris – biodiversity of unique and extreme microhabitat (2018); grant "Young Scientists"; W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS – project leader.
- Sooty moulds on ornamental woody plants in urban environments - diagnostics of causal agents of disease based on innovative integrative analyses of in vitro cultures and multilocus DNA sequences (2018-2021); grant no. 2017/27/B/NZ9/02902; National Centre of Science − co-investigator.
- Resin exudates – an uncharted habitat for fungi with hidden biotechnological potential to degrade hydrocarbons (2020-2023); grant no. 2019/35/N/NZ9/04173; National Centre of Science – project leader.
Recent publications (selected)
Crous P.W., Jurjević Ž., Balashov S., De la Peña-Lastra S., Mateos A., Pinruan U., Rigueiro-Rodríguez A., Osiek E.R., Altés A., Czachura P., Esteve-Raventós F., Gunaseelan S., Kaliyaperumal M., Larsson E., Luangsa-ard J.J., Moreno G., Pancorbo F., Piątek M., Sommai S., Somrithipol S., Asif M., Delgado G., Flakus A., Illescas A., Kezo K., Khamsuntorn P., Kubátová A., Labuda R., Lavoise C., Lebel T., Lueangjaroenkit P., Maciá-Vicente J.G., Paz A., Saba M., Shivas R.G., Tan Y.P., Wingfield M.J., Aas T., Abramczyk B., Ainsworth A.M., Akulov A., Alvarado P., Armada F., Assyov B., Avchar R., Avesani M., Bezerra J.L., Bhat J.D., Bilański P., Bily D.S., Boccardo F., Bozok F., Campos J.C., Chaimongkol S., Chellappan N., Costa M.M., Dalecká M., Darmostuk V., Daskalopoulos V., Dearnaley J., Dentinger B.T.M., De Silva N.I., Dhotre D., Carlavilla J.R., Doungsa-ard C., Dovana F., Erhard A., Ferro L.O., Gallegos S.C., Giles C.E., Gore G., Gorfer M., Guard F.E., Hanson S.-Å., Haridev P., Jankowiak R., Jeffers S.N., Kandemir H., Karich A., Kisło K., Kiss L., Krisai-Greilhuber I., Latha K.P.D., Lorenzini M., Lumyong S., Manimohan P., Manjón J.L., Maula F., Mazur E., Mesquita N.L.S., Młynek K., Mongkolsamrit S., Morán P., Murugadoss R., Nagarajan M., Nalumpang S., Noisripoom W., Nosalj S., Novaes Q.S., Nowak M., Pawłowska J., Peiger M., Pereira O.L., Pinto A., Plaza M., Polemis E., Polhorský A., Ramos D.O., Raza M., Rivas-Ferreiro M., Rodrigues-Flakus P., Ruszkiewicz-Michalska M., Sánchez A., Santos A., Schüller A., Scott P.A., Şen İ., Shelke D., Śliwa L., Solheim H., Sonawane H., Strašiftáková D., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Sudsanguan M., Suwannarach N., Suz L.M., Syme K., Taşkın H., Tennakoon D.S., Tomka P., Vaghefi N., Vasan V., Vauras J., Wiktorowicz D., Villarreal M., Vizzini A., Wrzosek M., Yang X., Yingkunchao W., Zapparoli G., Zervakis G.I., Groenewald J.Z. 2024. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1614–1696. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 13: 183–440. DOI
Czachura P. 2024. Coniochaeta fodinicola (Fungi: Sordariomycetes) from a sulphurous spring in Poland. Plant and Fungal Systematics 69: 7–13. DOI
Czachura P., Janik P. 2024. Lophium arboricola (Mytilinidiales, Ascomycota) from conifer resins. Plant and Fungal Systematics 69: 1–6. DOI
Hyde K.D., Noorabadi M.T., Thiyagaraja V., He M.Q., Johnston P.R., Wijesinghe S.N., Armand A., Biketova A.Y., Chethana K.W.T., Erdoğdu M., et al. 2024. The 2024 Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa. Mycosphere 15: 5146–6239. DOI
Patejuk K., Czachura P., Baturo-Cieśniewska A., Owczarek-Kościelniak M., Pusz W., Najberek K., Piątek M. 2024. Colletotrichum acericola sp. nov. from seeds of the invasive alien tree species Acer negundo in Poland. Plant Pathology 72: 1716–1725. DOI
Piątek M., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Czachura P. 2024. Arthrocatenales, a new order of extremophilic fungi in the Dothideomycetes. MycoKeys 108: 47–74. DOI
Piątek M., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Czachura P. 2024. Emended Neodactylariales (Dothideomycetes): Szaferohypha gen. nov. and phylogenetically related genera. MycoKeys 111: 211–228. DOI
Crous P.W., Osieck E.R., Shivas R.G., Tan Y.P., Bishop-Hurley S.L., Esteve-Raventós F., Larsson E., Luangsa-ard J.J., Pancorbo F., Balashov S., Baseia I.G., Boekhout T., Chandranayaka S., Cowan D.A., Cruz R.H.S.F., Czachura P., De la Peña-Lastra S., Dovana F., Drury B., Fell J., Flakus A., Fotedar R., Jurjević Ž., Kolecka A., Mack J., Maggs-Kölling G., Mahadevakumar S., Mateos A., Mongkolsamrit S., Noisripoom W., Plaza M., Overy D.P., Piątek M., Sandoval-Denis M., Vauras J., Wingfield M.J., Abell S.E., Ahmadpour A., Akulov A., Alavi F., Alavi Z., Altes A., Alvarado P., Anand G., Ashtekar N., Assyov B., Banc-Prandi G., Barbosa K.D., Barreto G.G., Bellanger J.-M., Bezerra J.L., Bhat D.J., Bilanski P., Bose T., Bozok F., Chaves J., Costa-Rezende D.H., Danteswari C., Darmostuk V., Delgado G., Denman S., Eichmeier A., Etayo J., Eyssartier G., Faulwetter S., Ganga K.G.G., Ghosta Y., Goh J., Góis J.S., Gramaje D., Granit L., Groenewald M., Gulden G., Gusmão L.F.P., Hammerbacher A., Heidarian Z., Hywel-Jones N., Jankowiak R., Kaliyaperumal M., Kaygusuz O., Kezo K., Khonsanit A., Kumar S., Kuo C.H., Læssøe T., Latha K.P.D., Loizides M., Luo S.M., Maciá-Vicente J.G., Manimohan P., Marbach P.A.S., Marinho P., Marney T.S., Marques G., Martín M.P., Miller A.N., Mondello F., Moreno G., Mufeeda K.T., Mun H.Y., Nau T., Nkomo T., Okrasińska A., Oliveira J.P.A.F., Oliveira R.L., Ortiz D.A., Pawłowska J., Pérez-De-Gregorio M.À., Podile A.R., Portugal A., Privitera N., Rajeshkumar K.C., Rauf I., Rian B., Rigueiro-Rodríguez A., Rivas-Torres G.F., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Romero-Gordillo M., Saar I., Saba M., Santos C.D., Sarma P.V.S.R.N., Siquier J.L., Sleiman S., Spetik M., Sridhar K.R., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Szczepańska K., Taşkın H., Tennakoon D.S., Thanakitpipattana D., Trovao J., Türkekul İ., van Iperen A.L., van ’t Hof P., Vasquez G., Visagie C.M., Wingfield B.D., Wong P.T.W., Yang W.X., Yarar M., Yarden O., Yilmaz N., Zhang N., Zhu Y.N., Groenewald J.Z. 2023. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1478–1549. Persoonia 50: 158–310. DOI
Czachura P., Owczarek-Kościelniak M., Piątek M. 2021. Salinomyces polonicus: A moderately halophilic kin of the most extremely halotolerant fungus Hortaea werneckii. Fungal Biology 125: 459–468. DOI
Skórka P., Banach A., Banasiak M., Bokalska-Rajba J., Bonk M., Czachura P., García-Rodríguez A., Gaspar G., Hordyńska N., Kaczmarczyk A., Kapłoniak K., Kociński M., Łopata B., Mazur E., Mirzaei M., Misiewicz A., Parres A., Przystałkowska A., Pustkowiak S., Raczyński M., Sadura I., Splitt A., Stanek M., Sternalski J., Wierzbicka A., Wiorek M., Zduńczyk P. 2021. Congruence between the prioritisation of conservation problems at the local and national scale: an evaluation by environmental scientists in Poland. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28: 35317–35326. DOI
Czachura P., Owczarek-Kościelniak M., Piątek M. 2019. Pseudodidymella fagi in Slovakia: first detection, morphology and culture characteristics. Forest Pathology 49: e12479. DOI