Dr Michał Adamski
Assistant Professor

Research interests
- Bioactive metabolites produced by plant organisms.
- Antioxidant systems of plant organisms.
Higher education and employment history
- MSc degree (biology) at the Jagiellonian University (2013).
- MSc degree (chemistry of environment) at the Jagiellonian University (2013).
- PhD degree at the Jagiellonian University (2018).
- Assistant professor at the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS (since 2018).
Membership and awards
- Scholarships for the best PhD students (2013, 2015, 2016)
- Scholarships for PhD students from the earmarked subsidy for co-financing pro-quality tasks at the Jagiellonian University (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016).
- Member of the Polish Botanical Society (since 2014).
- Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding achievements (academic year 2016/2017).
Research projects (selected)
- Analysis of the phytoremediation efficiency of cylindrospermopsin and its influence on the physiology of the aquatic plant (2017–2021); grant no. 2016/23/B/NZ9/01041; National Science Centre (NCN) – contractor.
- Determination of antioxidant properties of compounds synthesized by green algae Klebsormidium dissectum (2020–2021); grant no. 2020/04/X/NZ9/00436; National Science Centre (NCN) – project leader.
Recent publications (selected)
Adamski M., Flakus A., Kaminski A., Piątek J., Solarska M., Żmudzki P. 2024. The first report of the production of anatoxin-a by Bolivian terrestrial cyanobacteria. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 93: 177923. DOI
Selvaraj S.K., Lelito B., Adamski M., Kamiński A. 2024. Optimization of isolation and concentration of the common freshwater cyanobacterial toxins ATX-a, CYN and MC-LR using standard techniques, optimization of cyanobacteria growth. Toxicon 251: 108137. DOI
Adamski M., Piątek J., Solarska M., Kamiński A. 2023. Katalityczna dekompozycja cylindrospermopsyny – jednej z najniebezpieczniejszych toksyn syntetyzowanych przez sinice. Wiadomości Botaniczne in press. DOI
Piątek J., Solarska M., Adamski M. 2023. Stomatocysty złotowiciowców zagłębienia wytopiskowego w Dolinie Suchej Wody – okresowego zbiornika wodnego w Tatrzańskim Parku Narodowym, Polska. Wiadomości Botaniczne in press. DOI
Saładyga M., Kucała M., Adamski M., Selvaraj S., Kaminski A. 2023. Phytoremediation of a mixture of toxic cyanobacteria. Does phytoplankton composition affect the amount of toxins removed? Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 11: 110158. DOI
Solarska M., Adamski M., Piątek J. 2023. Complicated family relationships, or about taxonomic problems in the family Pyrenomonadaceae (Cryptophyceae). Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 52: 299–306. DOI
Adamski M., Kaminski A. 2022. Effect of microcystin-LR, nodularin, anatoxin-a, β-N-methylamino-L-alanine and domoic acid on antioxidant properties of glutathione. Life 12: 227. DOI
Nowicka-Krawczyk P., Żelazna-Wieczorek J., Skrobek I., Ziułkiewicz M., Adamski M., Kaminski A., Żmudzki P. 2022. Persistent cyanobacteria blooms in artificial water bodies – an effect of environmental conditions or the result of anthropogenic change. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19: 6990. DOI
Adamski M., Kaminski A. 2021. Impact of cylindrospermopsin and its decomposition products on antioxidant properties of glutathione. Algal Research 56: 102305. DOI
Adamski M., Wołowski K., Kamiński A., Hindakova A. 2020. Cyanotoxin cylindrospermopsin producers and the catalytic decomposition process: A review. Harmful Algae 98: 101894. DOI
Adamski M., Zimolag E., Kaminski A., Drukała J., Bialczyk J. 2020. Effects of cylindrospermopsin, its decomposition products, and anatoxin-a on human keratinocytes. Science of the Total Environment 765: 142670. DOI
Adamski M., Żmudzki P., Bialczyk J., Kaminski A., Chrapusta-Srebrny E., Bober B., Duchnik K. 2019. Decomposition products of cylindrospermopsin – a cyanotoxin produced by Raphidiopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska). Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 48: 227–235. DOI
Wołowski K., Solarska M., Adamski M., Żak-Elshahed L. 2019. Jadwiga Siemińska-Słupska – the personification of Polish phycology (1922–2018). Plant and Fungal Systematics 64: 3–15. DOI