Dr hab. Elżbieta Worobiec

Zainteresowania badawcze
- Badania palinologiczne osadów górnej kredy, paleogenu i neogenu ("trzeciorzędu"), głównie z terenu Polski, oraz rekonstrukcja roślinności i klimatu paleogenu i neogenu na podstawie kopalnych zespołów sporowo-pyłkowych.
- Taksonomia ziaren pyłku z neogenu Polski.
- Badania glonów słodkowodnych (głównie Zygnemataceae i desmidii) z osadów neogeńskich i rekonstrukcja środowiska sedymentacji.
Najnowsze publikacje (wybrane)
Kowalski R., Tietz O., Worobiec E., Worobiec G. 2024. New floras from the Tetta Clay Pit, Upper Lusatia, late Oligocene-Early Miocene, Germany. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 94: 19–59. DOI
Peryt D., Gedl P., Jurek K., Więcław D., Worobiec E., Worobiec G., Peryt T.M. 2024. Environmental perturbations around the Badenian/Sarmatian (Middle Miocene) boundary in the Central Paratethys: Micropalaeontological and organic geochemical records. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 647: 112221. DOI
Peryt D., Gedl P., Worobiec E., Worobiec G., Peryt T.M. 2024. Foraminiferal and palynological records of an abrupt environmental change at the Badenian/Sarmatian boundary (Middle Miocene): A case study in Northeastern Central Paratethys. Geosciences 14: 86. DOI
Sobczyk A., Worobiec E., Olkowicz M., Szczygieł J. 2024. Mid-Miocene onset of the NE Bohemian Massif (SW Poland, Europe) growth, landscape evolution, and paleoenvironmental changes unraveled using paleokarst sediment palynology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 640: 112107. DOI
Worobiec G., Worobiec E., Widera M., Słodkowska B. 2024. Cancellidium intergraniferum (R. Potonié & S.C.D. Sah) G. Worobiec & E. Worobiec, comb. nov. from the Miocene of Poland, with remarks on the fossil history and palaeoecological potential of Cancellidium. Palynology 48: 2312277. DOI
Worobiec G., Piątek M., Worobiec E. 2023. Szaferomyces pliocenicus nov. gen., nov. sp. from the Upper Pliocene deposits of Mizerna (Poland), a fossil fungus showing close resemblance to modern powdery mildews. Geobios 79: 77–82. DOI
Worobiec G., Worobiec E., Gedl P., Kowalski R., Peryt D., Tietz O. 2023. Fossil history of fungus host-specificity: Association of conidia of fossil Asterosporium asterospermum with macro- and microremains of Fagus. Fungal Biology 127: 1312–1320. DOI
Worobiec G., Worobiec E., Liu Y.(C.) 2023. Taxonomy and palaeoecology of the fossil anamorphic fungus Mycoenterolobium eccentricum (R.K. Kar) G. Worobiec, n. comb. Comptes Rendus Palevol 22: 585–594. DOI
Worobiec E., Widera M., Worobiec G. 2022. Palaeoenvironment of the middle Miocene wetlands at Drzewce, Konin region, central Poland. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 92: 201–218. DOI
Worobiec E., Worobiec G. 2022. Palynoflora and palaeoenvironment of the early Miocene palaeolake from the Bełchatów mine, central Poland. Geological Quarterly 66: 32. DOI
Worobiec G., Worobiec E., Gedl P., Kasiński J.R., Peryt D., Widera M. 2022. Terrestrial-aquatic wood-inhabiting ascomycete Potamomyces from the Miocene of Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 67: 737–744. DOI
Worobiec E., Worobiec G., Kasiński J.R. 2022. Decline of Neogene lignite formation as a result of vegetation and climate changes reflected in the middle Miocene palynoflora from the Ruja lignite deposit, SW Poland. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 298: 104593. DOI
Worobiec G., Worobiec E., Widera M. 2022. Middle Miocene wetland fungi from the Adamów Lignite Mine, central Poland. Historical Biology 34: 841–856. DOI
Halbwachs H., Bässler C., Worobiec E. 2021. Palynomorphs in Baltic, Bitterfeld and Ukrainian ambers: a comparison. Palynology 45: 441–457. DOI
Song Y.-G., Walas Ł., Pietras M., Sâm H.V., Yousefzadeh H., Ok T., Farzaliyev V., Worobiec G., Worobiec E., Stachowicz‑Rybka R., Boratyński A., Boratyńska K., Kozlowski G., Jasińska A.K. 2021. Past, present and future suitable areas for the relict tree Pterocarya fraxinifolia (Juglandaceae): Integrating fossil records, niche modeling, and phylogeography for conservation. European Journal of Forest Research 140: 1323–1339. DOI
Widera M., Bechtel A., Chomiak L., Maciaszek P., Słodkowska B., Wachocki R., Worobiec E., Worobiec G., Zieliński T. 2021. Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Konin Basin (central Poland) during lignite accumulation linked to the mid-Miocene climate optimum. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 568: 110307. DOI
Widera M., Zieliński T., Chomiak L., Maciaszek P., Wachocki R., Bechtel A., Słodkowska B., Worobiec E., Worobiec G. 2021. Tectonic-climatic interactions during changes of depositional environments in the Carpathian foreland: An example from the Neogene of central Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica 71: 519–542. DOI
Worobiec E., Widera M., Worobiec G., Kurdziel B. 2021. Middle Miocene palynoflora from the Adamów lignite deposit, central Poland. Palynology 45: 59–71. DOI
Bogdanowicz W., Worobiec E., Grooms C., Kimpe L.E., Smol J.P., Stewart R.S., Suchecka E., Pomorski J.J., Blais J.M., Clare E.L., Fenton M.B. 2020. Pollen assemblage and environmental DNA changes: A 4300-year-old bat guano deposit from Jamaica. Quaternary International 558: 47–58. DOI
Dumont H.J., Pociecha A., Zawisza E., Szeroczyńska K., Worobiec E., Worobiec G. 2020. Miocene cladocera from Poland. Scientific Reports 10: 12107. DOI
Gedl P., Worobiec E. 2020. Origin and timing of palaeovalleys in the Carpathian Foredeep basement (Sędziszów Małopolski-Rzeszów area; SE Poland) in the light of palynological studies. Marine and Petroleum Geology 115: 104277. DOI
Kowalski R., Worobiec G., Worobiec E., Krajewska K. 2020. Oligocene plant assemblage from Rębiszów, Lower Silesia: First "volcanic flora" from Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65: 273–290. DOI
Worobiec E., Szulc J. 2020. Palynology of Oligocene lignites in two karst palaeosinkholes at Górażdże, Upper Silesia, Poland. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 90: 495–504. DOI
Worobiec G., Worobiec E. 2020. Lichenopeltella mizerniana sp. nov. from the upper Pliocene of Mizerna (southern Poland). Mycological Progress 19: 799–804. DOI
Worobiec G., Worobiec E. 2020. The whole plant concept of Reevesia from the Neogene of the Bełchatów Lignite Mine (central Poland). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 273: 104145. DOI
Worobiec G., Worobiec E., Erdei B. 2020. Fossil callimothalloid fungi: Revised taxonomy, modern equivalents and palaeoecology. Fungal Biology 124: 835–844. DOI
Zdravkov A., Stefanova M., Worobiec E., Bechtel A., Marinov S., Kortenski J. 2020. Implications for peat formation in Maritsa-West Basin, SE Bulgaria: Insights from organic petrology, palynology and biomarker assemblage. International Journal of Coal Geology 222: 103447. DOI
Jurkowska A., Barski M., Worobiec E. 2019. The relation of a coastal environment to early diagenetic clinoptilolite (zeolite) formation – New data from the Late Cretaceous European Basin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 524: 166–182. DOI
Worobiec G., Worobiec E. 2019. Wetland vegetation from the Miocene deposits of the Bełchatów Lignite Mine (central Poland). Palaeontologia Electronica 22.3.63. DOI
Kowalski R., Worobiec E. 2018. Revision of Comarostaphylis globula (Ericaceae) from Cenozoic of Central Europe. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 254: 20–32. DOI
Płachno B.J., Jurkowska A., Pacyna G., Worobiec E., Gedl P., Świerczewska-Gładysz E. 2018. Plant assemblage from Opole, southern Poland: New data on Late Cretaceous vegetation of the northern part of the European Province. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 129: 159–170. DOI
Worobiec E., Gedl P. 2018. Upper Eocene palynoflora from Łukowa (SE Poland) and its palaeoenvironmental context. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 492: 134–146. DOI
Worobiec G., Worobiec E., Liu Y.C. 2018. Fungal remains from late Neogene deposits at the Gray Fossil Site, Tennessee, USA. Mycosphere 9: 1014–1024. DOI
Szczepanek K., Myszkowska D., Worobiec E., Piotrowicz K., Ziemianin M., Bielec-Bąkowska Z. 2017. The long-range transport of Pinaceae pollen: an example in Kraków (southern Poland). Aerobiologia 33: 109–125. DOI
Worobiec G., Neumann F.H., Worobiec E., Nitz V., Hartkopf-Fröder C. 2017. New fungal cephalothecoid-like fructifications from central European Neogene deposits. Fungal Biology 121: 285–292. DOI
Worobiec G., Worobiec E. 2017. Epiphyllous fungi from Miocene deposits of the Bełchatów Lignite Mine (Central Poland). Mycosphere 8: 1003–1013. DOI
Gedl P., Worobiec E., Słodkowska B. 2016. Palynology of Lower Oligocene brown coal and lowermost Middle Miocene sand deposits from the Łukowa-4 borehole (Carpathian Foredeep, SE Poland) – implications for palaeogeographical reconstructions. Geological Quarterly 60: 943–958. DOI