
Dr Tomasz Suchan


Zdjęcie portretowe Tomasza Suchana
Grupa Bioróżnorodności i Ewolucji
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Lubicz 46, 31‑512 Kraków


Zainteresowania badawcze

  • Filogenetyka i filogeografia, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem organizmów arktyczno-alpejskich.
  • Ewolucja, ekologia i filogeografia interakcji międzygatunkowych.
  • Biologia konserwatorska.
  • Rozwijanie technik sekwencjonowania nowej generacji, w tym w badaniach nad zdegradowanym DNA (z okazów muzealnych, kopalnych i próbek środowiskowych).

Najnowsze publikacje (wybrane)

Rosche C., Broennimann O., Novikov A., Mrázová V., Boiko G.V., Danihelka J., Gastner M.T., Guisan A., Kožić K., Lehnert M., et al. 2025. Herbarium specimens reveal a cryptic invasion of polyploid Centaurea stoebe in Europe. New Phytologist 245: 392–405. DOI

Gorki J.L., López-Mañas R., Sáez L., Menchetti M., Shapoval N., Andersen A., Benyamini D., Daniels S., Garcia-Berro A., Reich M.S., Scalercio S., Toro-Delgado E., Bataille C.P., Domingo-Marimon C., Vila R., Suchan T., Talavera G. 2024. Pollen metabarcoding reveals the origin and multigenerational migratory pathway of an intercontinental-scale butterfly outbreak. Current Biology 34: P2684–2692.E6. DOI

Gorki J.L., Suchan T., Talavera G. 2024. Protocol to sequence markers from pollen grains carried by long-range migratory butterflies using metabarcoding. STAR Protocols 5: 103012. DOI

Łubek A., Wierzcholska S., Dyderski M.K., Horodecki P., Kamczyc J., Malicki M., Pietras M., Skorupski M., Sobczak T., Suchan T., et al. 2024. Cryptogams species diversity of mountain forest springs of the Stołowe Mountains National Park. Acta Mycologica 59: 193966. DOI

Suchan T., Bataille C.P., Reich M.S., Toro-Delgado E., Vila R., Pierce N.E., Talavera G. 2024. A trans-oceanic flight of over 4,200 km by painted lady butterflies. Nature Communications 15: 5205. DOI

Suchan T., Pawełek B. 2024. Are Parnassius apollo populations from the Pieniny National Park introgressed? A genetic study. In: J. Bodziarczyk (ed.). Pieniny – Przyroda i Człowiek, Monografie vol. 20. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Pieniński Park Narodowy, Poznań-Krościenko nad Dunajcem: 231–244. DOI

Ambu J., Martínez-Solano Í., Suchan T., Hernandez A., Wielstra B., Crochet P.-A., Dufresnes C. 2023. Genomic phylogeography illuminates deep cyto-nuclear discordances in midwife toads (Alytes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 183: 107783. DOI

Janik P., Malicki M., Ronikier A., Suchan T. 2023. Nowe stanowisko Clathrus archeri (Phallaceae, Agaricomycetes) w Karkonoskim Parku Narodowym. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 28: 188–191. DOI

Talavera G., García-Berro A., Talla V.N.K., Ng’iru I., Bahleman F., Kébé K., Nzala K.M., Plasencia D., Marafi M.A.J., Kassie A., Goudégnon E.O.A., Kiki M., Benyamini D., Reich M.S., López-Mañas R., Benetello F., Collins S.C., Bataille C.P., Pierce N.E., Martins D.J., Suchan T., Menchetti M., Vila R. 2023. The Afrotropical breeding grounds of the Palearctic-African migratory painted lady butterflies (Vanessa cardui). PNAS 120: e2218280120. DOI

Suchan T., Chauvey L., Poullet M., Tonasso-Calvière L., Schiavinato S., Clavel P., Clavel B., Lepetz S., Seguin-Orlando A., Orlando L. 2022. Assessing the impact of USER-treatment on hyRAD capture applied to ancient DNA. Molecular Ecology Resources 22: 2262–2274. DOI

Dufresnes C., Brelsford A., Jeffries D.L., Mazepa G., Suchan T., Canestrelli D., Nicieza A., Fumagalli L., Dubey S., Martínez-Solano I., Litvinchuk S.N., Vences M., Perrin N., Crochet P.-A. 2021. Mass of genes rather than master genes underlie the genomic architecture of amphibian speciation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118: e2103963118. DOI

Dufresnes C., Suchan T., Smirnov N.A., Denoël M., Rosanov J.M., Litvinchuk S.N. 2021. Revisiting a speciation classic: Comparative analyses support sharp but leaky transitions between Bombina toads. Journal of Biogeography 48: 458–560. DOI

Foremnik K., Krawczyk W., Surmacz B., Malicki M., Suchan T., Gazda A., Pielech R. 2021. Effects of forest stand structure on population of endangered orchid species Cypripedium calceolus L. Journal for Nature Conservation 64: 126089. DOI

Librado P., Khan N., Fages A., Kusliy M.A., Suchan T., Tonasso-Calvière L., Schiavinato S., Alioglu D., Fromentier A., Perdereau A., Aury J.-M., Gaunitz C., Chauvey L., Seguin-Orlando A., Der Sarkissian C., Southon J., Shapiro B., Tishkin A.A., Kovalev A.A., Alquraishi S., Alfarhan A.H., Al-Rasheid K.A.S., Seregély T., Klassen L., Iversen R., Bignon-Lau O., Bodu P., Olive M., Castel J.-C., Boudadi-Maligne M., Alvarez N., Germonpré M., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Wilczyński J., Pospuła S., Lasota-Kuś A., Tunia K., Nowak M., Rannamäe E., Saarma U., Boeskorov G., Lōugas L., Kyselý R., Peške L., Bălășescu A., Dumitrașcu V., Dobrescu R., Gerber D., Kiss V., Szécsényi-Nagy A., Mende B.G., Gallina Z., Somogyi K., Kulcsár G., Gál E., Bendrey R., Allentoft M.E., Sirbu G., Dergachev V., Shephard H., Tomadini N., Grouard S., Kasparov A., Basilyan A.E., Anisimov M.A., Nikolskiy P.A., Pavlova E.Y., Pitulko V., Brem G., Wallner B., Schwall C., Keller M., Kitagawa K., Bessudnov A.N., Bessudnov A., Taylor W., Magail J., Gantulga J.-O., Bayarsaikhan J., Erdenebaatar D., Tabaldiev K., Mijiddorj E., Boldgiv B., Tsagaan T., Pruvost M., Olsen S., Makarewicz C.A., Valenzuela Lamas S., Albizuri Canadell S., Nieto Espinet A., Iborra M.P., Lira Garrido J., Rodríguez González E., Celestino S., Olària C., Arsuaga J.L., Kotova N., Pryor A., Crabtree P., Zhumatayev R., Toleubaev A., Morgunova N.L., Kuznetsova T., Lordkipanize D., Marzullo M., Prato O., Bagnasco Gianni G., Tecchiati U., Clavel B., Lepetz S., Davoudi H., Mashkour M., Berezina N.Ya., Stockhammer P.W., Krause J., Haak W., Morales-Muñiz A., Benecke N., Hofreiter M., Ludwig A., Graphodatsky A.S., Peters J., Kiryushin K.Yu., Iderkhangai T.-O., Bokovenko N.A., Vasiliev S.K., Seregin N.N., Chugunov K.V., Plasteeva N.A., Baryshnikov G.F., Petrova E., Sablin M., Ananyevskaya E., Logvin A., Shevnina I., Logvin V., Kalieva S., Loman V., Kukushkin I., Merz I., Merz V., Sakenov S., Varfolomeyev V., Usmanova E., Zaibert V., Arbuckle B., Belinskiy A.B., Kalmykov A., Reinhold S., Hansen S., Yudin A.I., Vybornov A.A., Epimakhov A., Berezina N.S., Roslyakova N., Kosintsev P.A., Kuznetsov P.F., Anthony D., Kroonen G.J., Kristiansen K., Wincker P., Outram A., Orlando L. 2021. The origins and spread of domestic horses from the Western Eurasian steppes. Nature 598: 634–640. DOI

Gauthier J., Mouden C., Suchan T., Alvarez N., Arrigo N., Riou C., Lemaitre C., Peterlongo P. 2020. DiscoSnp-RAD: de novo detection of small variants for RAD-Seq population genomics. PeerJ 8: e9291. DOI

Crates R., Olah G., Adamski M., Aitken N., Banks S., Ingwersen D., Ranjard L., Rayner L., Stojanovic D., Suchan T., von Takach Dukai B., Heinsohn R. 2019. Genomic impact of severe population decline in a nomadic songbird. PLoS ONE 14: e0223953. DOI

Malicki M., Pusz W., Ronikier M., Suchan T. 2019. Population characteristics, habitat and conservation status of Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Ericaceae), a glacial relict new to Poland. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 88: 3634. DOI

Pusz W., Malicki M., Patejuk K., Ronikier M., Suchan T. 2019. First record of Exobasidium rhododendri (Fuckel) C. E. Cramer in Poland. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 88: 3632. DOI

Suchan T., Malicki M., Ronikier M. 2019. Relict populations and Central European glacial refugia: The case of Rhododendron ferrugineum (Ericaceae). Journal of Biogeography 46: 392–404. DOI

Suchan T., Talavera G., Sáez L., Ronikier M., Vila R. 2019. Pollen metabarcoding as a tool for tracking long-distance insect migrations. Molecular Ecology Resources 19: 149–162. DOI

Tkach N., Röser M., Suchan T., Cieślak E., Schönswetter P., Ronikier M. 2019. Contrasting evolutionary origins of two mountain endemics: Saxifraga wahlenbergii (Western Carpathians) and S. styriaca (Eastern Alps). BMC Evolutionary Biology 19: 18. DOI

Wierzgoń M., Suchan T., Ronikier M. 2018. Two additions to the moss flora of the South Shetland Islands in the maritime Antarctic. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 87: 3598. DOI

Gueuning M., Suchan T., Rutschmann S., Gattolliat J.-L., Jamsari J., Kamil A.I., Pitteloud C., Buerki S., Balke M., Sartori M., Alvarez N. 2017. Elevation in the tropical sky islands as the common driver in structuring genes and communities of freshwater organisms. Scientific Reports 7: 16089. DOI

Koubínová D., Dincă V., Dapporto L., Vodă R., Suchan T., Vila R., Alvarez N. 2017. Genomics of extreme ecological specialists: multiple convergent evolution but no genetic divergence in ecotypes of Maculinea alcon butterflies. Scientific Reports 7: 13752. DOI

Pitteloud C., Arrigo N., Suchan T., Mastretta-Yanes A., Vila R., Dincă V., Hernández-Roldán J., Brockmann E., Chittaro Y., Kleckova I., Fumagalli L., Buerki S., Pellissier L., Alvarez N. 2017. Climatic niche evolution is faster in sympatric than allopatric lineages of the butterfly genus Pyrgus. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284: 20170208. DOI

Schmid S., Genevest R., Gobet E., Suchan T., Sperisen C., Tinner W., Alvarez N. 2017. HyRAD-X, a versatile method combining exome capture and RAD sequencing to extract genomic information from ancient DNA. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8: 1374-1388. DOI

Suchan T., Espíndola A., Rutschmann S., Emerson B.C., Gori K., Dessimoz C., Arrigo N., Ronikier M., Alvarez N. 2017. Assessing the potential of RAD-sequencing to resolve phylogenetic relationships within species radiations: The fly genus Chiastocheta (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) as a case study. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 114: 189–198. DOI

Suchan T., Pitteloud C., Gerasimova N.S., Kostikova A., Schmid S., Arrigo N., Pajkovic M., Ronikier M., Alvarez N. 2016. Hybridization capture using RAD probes (hyRAD), a new tool for performing genomic analyses on museum collection specimens. PLoS ONE 11: e0151651. DOI